Letter 3 •Niall

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Okay, so guess what!

I did it!


I freaked out in class and I noticed you giggle for the first time this year! God, it was such a beautiful sound! More beautiful than the grade on the damn paper itself!

Your dark brown hair was pulled into one of those weird bun things on top of your head and you had on your dorky, but adorable, glasses which illuminated your big brown eyes. Fuck, you're so cute. Why do you have to be so cute?!

Ok, you're distracting me. Like always ;)

But for real! I feel like I could swim across the sea, I have so much energy buzzing in me right now.

Well, I mean, I guess I did have two cups of coffee and a red bull... MY BAD!

Shit- fuck- I'm so happy! Guess what else!

I talked to my therapist this morning and she told me that she wanted me to get involved with music again because she thinks it's good for my mental stability. She said that hanging with friends that have similar interests and having that support would help give me the little last push I needed.

She also said that she was glad that I decided to take her advice and start the letters. I'm glad I did too.

I like writing to you. Even though I know that you won't ever read this, I still like to pretend you will. It really does help.

Okay, I have to go. I have football practice in a half hour! Fuck yes!

Oh, and Ryan?

One more thing.

I'm going to talk to you tomorrow, okay? k. :)


- Niall

P.s. I going to start dating these. So Monday, 5/4/15

P.s.s. bye! See you tomorrow!!!

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