Letter 2 •Niall

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Wow. This week has been eventful.

There's been football practice and band sessions and meetings and of course work. I feel like I've been on the run nonstop. Do you ever feel like that?

I actually hate that feeling. I hate knowing that somewhere in the world, someone is waiting for you to succeed so you best not mess up.

It sucks.

Oh! I saw you on Wednesday. You were writing in your journal at a small table inside Wendy's. I wanted to say hi, but I didn't get the chance before my friends hauled me away. You looked pretty though.

Just thought I should let you know.
You always look pretty.

I like your smile.

I don't see it often, which kinda sucks. You should smile more. It looks good on you.

Oh! And guess what happened? My dad came home last night and actually had a female companion accompanying him. I was actually kind of happy for him for once. He deserves to enjoy himself, right? After all this shit my mum put us through?

It was weird seeing them together, but I like her. She's really nice. And kinda hot for my dad, so I give him props.

And lastly, It's good to be open to change. I learned that today. It was actually the only thing I learned.

Well, okay... bye?


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