Unexpected encouter

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"What were you doing?" Sae asked me. I immediately panicked as i tried to think of a quick excuse. "I was in the bathroom" I quickly blurt out.

"You were in the bathroom for 20 minutes?" he inquired. I gulped. Shit. How do i get out of this. "And you smell like grass, were you in a field?" he asked. "No of course not!" I quip. There's no fooling this guy. I eventually sigh and decide to give up on lying to Sae.

"Fine, I was with Isagi on the field, we were just talking" I admit. This will probably get him off my back, I can't tell him what happened between me and Rin. Yet.

"You're lying. Why would you make up an excuse just to cover the fact you were with Isagi?" Sae insisted.

"Drop it Sae it isn't a big deal" I told him annoyed. When I said this Sae quickly moved to be on top of him, pinning me down on the bed below him as he stared straight into my eyes.

"Who were you with?" he asked me. I couldn't help but shut my legs closed and just nervously stared back at him.

"I was with Isagi I already told you Sae" I groan out. I move my hand to cover my face but he quickly grabs both my wrists and pinned them above my head, still holding his steady gaze at me.

"Bullshit" he said. This boy is persistent, really, i've never seen someone so determined to get an answer like Sae was.

That's when Sae's eyes wondered down to my clothes. My shirt was still slightly moist from what happened with Rin, causing Sae to raise his brow. He proceeded to look at my sweatpants, also slightly humid from my encounter.

Sae let his free hand touch my soaked shirt, "Oh? What's this?" he said as he remembered that I had no bra underneath.

He looked back to my eyes as he slowly lifted my shirt up, for a split second i could've sworn I saw a smirk on his face before it was again serious. He leaned down and placed small kisses on my stomach, which make me shiver and tremble.

His kisses slowly travelled up my abdomen as I trembled beneath him, which seemed to only make him want to keep going.

"Sae-" I gasp. "Are you going to tell me who you were with or do I have to persuade you?" Sae whispered. I bite my lip, debating if I should truly tell him who I was with just now.

He eventually trailed up to the underside of my breasts, sucking on my skin, leaving a bruised hickey on the underside of my boob.

I couldn't help my yelp when his mouth captured my nipple, sucking and licking at it while I shook in pleasure. If i don't stop this right now this won't end good. But damn is Sae doing a good job at persuading me right now.

He stopped his movements to look up at me again. "Still don't want to tell me?" he asked me, raising a brow.

I gulped, my heart pounding as I try to keep my mouth shut. "Guess I'll have to fuck the answer out of you then" he says, quite smugly actually. "Wait- Sae fine i'll tell you" I said, immediately catching his attention.

He releases the hold his has on my wrists and let's me sit up to look at him. "Just kidding" I say as i giggle and stick my tongue out before grabbing the blanket and throwing it on him. Before he could even react I put my full body on him, pinning him down on the bed instead.

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