Sisterly memories

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I stayed quiet, trying to figure what the hell to tell Juniper, her questions persisted and didn't stop.

"I mean if she's some random family member why does mom always hold a service for her?" she asked, furrowing her brows at me. "Drop it Juniper" I sighed, rubbing my temples—trying to avoid answering her questions.

"You guys never wanna tell us anything!" she huffed, pouting and crossing her arms. "Quiet Juniper, you're the reason they don't tell us" Dakota grumbled, turning to his annoyed sister.

I sighed in relief, glad that Dakota distracted Juniper at least

"So how's school been?" I questioned casually, looking at both of them, who were probably mentally arguing with the way they looked at each other.

"For the most part good, except for the part where all my friends are in love with my brother" she spat, her nose scrunching in disgust.
"Not my fault i'm this good looking" he shrugged, sticking his tongue out at his twin.

"Enough you two!" suddenly interrupted a voice. We all looked up and saw my mom coming down the hall.

"I could hear your bickering from the room!" she complained, crossing her arms.

The twins just glared at each other, wanting to rip out each others throats in that very moment. "Right then, anyone want to eat?" Mom cheerfully asked, grabbing an apron and wrapping it around herself.

"I'm down, need help?" I immediately asked, out of pure etiquette of course. "No no, you sit. Juniper, Dakota! Get in here!" she suddenly yelled.

The twins groaned and reluctantly got up from the table, shoving each other on their way to the kitchen.

I turn to Sae, who seems to quite amused—much to my surprise, a little smile peeking through. "What are you smiling at?" I quickly ask, raising a brow at him. He turns to me with this look—a look that told me something but I could figure out what.

"Nothing. I just find your family fun to be around" he lightly chuckled, looking back at the kitchen and watching Dakota hit Juniper with a spatula.

"It's fun until you're the one separating those two" I laugh unironically, pointing at the bickering teenagers. He shrugs—in agreement probably, watching as two finally settled down and started working together.

"So.. are you ever going to tell them?" Sae suddenly asked out of the blue. "Tell them what?" I shot back, both of us turning to each other.

"About Rowan.. are you ever going to tell them?" he asked in a hushed tone, making sure no one heard us. I paused for moment, flashbacks coming back to me all in that one second. I shivered—but immediately composed myself for my sake, and answered, "Maybe soon. If they find out they'll have it out for dad and cause unnecessary drama right now" I said, leaning in cautiously to Sae—like a warning.

Suddenly, his hand cupped my face and he smiled slightly, "Well don't worry too much about it, i'm sure the right moment will come" he gently whispered, the pad of his thumb caressing my cheek lightly.

I took a deep breath, smiling back, thankful for his reassurance. His hand pulled my face towards his, connecting us through our lips, a gentle kiss beginning to form. I didn't want to make out, but kisses from him were alluring, leaving you to want more and more.

"Hands off prick!" yelled a voice, causing us to jump and quickly part from each other, looking towards where the voice came from.

And there stood Dakota, hand on one hip and a spatula in the other, apron tied around him. And honestly, I couldn't hold back my laughter, bursting out in giggles at the sight of him. Sae began to laugh with me, both of us uncontrollably laughing.

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