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I laid there with Sae on top of me, calming him down from his sobbing. He held onto me closely as I ran my fingers through his locks of auburn hair.

"Did you have sex with my brother last night?" he suddenly asked, my eyes widening as he said those words.

I took a deep breath, knowing I had to tell the truth about what really happened. "Yeah, I did" I sighed, shamefully admitting to what I had done. He only stayed silent, his soft breathing filling my ears.

We stayed there, quiet, listening to each others breathing. While the atmosphere was a bit strange, it felt... comforting.

"Y'know, the way I feel about you is strange" he quietly spoke, more like a thought than directly to me. "Oh? How so?" I responded, laughing lightly. "I pretend I don't need you but.. I think I need you more than you need me" he softly admitted, looking up at me for the first time since he started laying on me.

I stayed silent, letting his words sink in, thinking about them. "I think we both need each other equally Sae" I sighed, looking into his eyes. He didn't answer, he just laid his head back down on my chest.

I didn't know what else to do or say, I don't think either of us did. It was back to silence yet again.

I thought for a moment, for something or anything else to say or do. Then I remembered my family, my brother especially. I had forgotten he was in the hospital and I haven't visited him since he got out.

I had forgotten the reason he was in hospital. Because of my dad. I gritted my teeth in resentment at just the thought of him.

My body stiffened and I felt my face heat up with anger. I had left my siblings and mom all alone with him. I was so caught up in my own life that I completely forgot about my family.

"Rae?" I heard Sae say, snapping me back to reality. "Are you okay?" he continued, looking at me with a concerned look.

"huh- oh yeah i'm fine" I awkwardly laugh, embarrassed that he noticed what has happened.

He just continued to look at me, which told me he wasn't going to believe me. "You're lying" he said, lifting himself off from me. "No i'm not!" I denied, avoiding his eyes like a kid who's in trouble.

He crossed his arms, arching a brow and continuing to stare me down. I finally caved and suggested an idea, "How about we visit my family? Just get away from here for a bit?" I asked, with a big cheesy grin.

He thought for a moment, confused on sudden spur of the moment question. "Sure" he shrugged, fully sitting up on the couch now.

I giggled and quickly got up to get dressed into something a bit more fit to go out. Since Sae had just gotten to my apartment earlier he was ready to go already, which only left me to get ready.

I went into my closet and grabbed some ripped jeans and a color block sweater. I quickly get changed and grab my things and leave my apartment with Sae. "So what's with the sudden decision to visit family?" he curiously asked while we went down the stairs, turning to me.

"I haven't checked up on my brother since he left the hospital, and my sister wanted me to visit as well" I answered, only earning a hum from him.

We got into the car and left my apartment complex, pulling into the main road. We had a long drive ahead of us.


After 1 hour and a half we finally made it to a nearby area near my moms house, it would've only taken an hour if there wasn't so much traffic.

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