Apology and acceptance(!⚠️!)

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(!⚠️! smut warning!)

"I missed you Rae... there I said it... just how you always ask me to" Sae breathed out. My heart skipped a beat immediately after he said this.

"Stop- you can't say that" I protested, my face become flushed as I hide in his chest. "But you always ask me to say it, what's wrong now?" he asked, cockiness stained his voice. I immediately bury my face even more.

"Forget it.." I sigh. His hand lifts my chin up, making me face him once again. "No, say what you have to say" he insisted.

I could only stay silent, my whole face glowing red with embarrassment. His gaze softened the more he looked at me, his hand moved my hair behind my ear, then caressed my cheek. "You're still as beautiful as I remember, even after all these years" he softly said, his eyes looking straight into mines.

"You talk to me like we're dating Sae.." I told him, looking away from him. I could hear him sigh. "And I wish we were" he replied. My eyes widened immediately.

I turned to him in shock. "What?" I obliviously ask. He only softly smiled at me.

"You're the only one who can make me this happy, and i'm sorry it took me years to realize it" he apologized. I could feel tears begin to well up in my eyes.

After all these years, he's never properly apologized for what happened between us, he ignored it and continued on like nothing.

Finally hearing his apology, after all these years, I couldn't help but want to cry.

"I'm sorry I took you for granted, because now i'm the one at your feet begging you for another chance" he continued. I bit my lip that was now trembling, the need to cry growing stronger with each word.

I could see his eyes, full of sadness and regret, looking back at my tearful ones. "You were the only thing I could think about while I was in Spain" he said, wiping the one tear that had managed to escape my eye. Through the blur of everything, I could see his eyes water too, but he quickly blinked it away.

The humming from the TV was the only thing that could be heard in the complete silence that filled the room. "I know I hurt you Rae, and right now i'm properly asking for your forgiveness" he finally said.

Nothing in that moment could have stopped the tears flowing from my eyes, my lips quivering as I clung onto him.

His arms wrapped around me and embraced me, as I cried into his chest.

"Forgive me for being so blind" he kept going. This only caused more tears to flow as the emotions I repressed years ago finally unraveled before him.

He let me cry for as long as I wanted to, occasionally moving hair out of now tear stained face, giving me a reassuring smile every time I looked at him. "You're so pretty Rae, even crying in my arms like this you're still the most gorgeous girl in the world" he gently whispered.

After a while my tears finally stopped, I was finally at ease, after all these years he gave the closure I didn't know I needed.

We laid there in silence, his hand running through my hair, his heartbeat close to my ear as I laid on him. I finally got the courage to look at him again. "Why'd you say all these things now" I pouted, my eyes puffy and cheeks still wet.

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