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Falling asleep was the easy part of staying in my sisters old room, the dreaming was the hard part.

I found myself tossing and turning at night, I couldn't shake a certain feeling, I don't how to exactly explain it. Something was making me uncomfortable, maybe it was the fact I slept in her old bed, or the fact she died in this same room.

That day kept replaying inside my head the whole night, my dream was worse, I quite literally relived everything that had happened that day, every single detail was so vivid.

When I had already woken up, there were tears in my eyes, my cheeks already wet. My vision was blurry and the room was ice cold. I was curled up into a ball, my hand moving up to wipe my tearful eyes. The fact that Rowan's anniversary was today didn't help. It was just a reminder that I had failed to save her.

I turned around, looking for a certain auburn haired boy, only to find out he wasn't in bed anymore. I heard my phone ring, meaning someone was already calling me, maybe it was him.

I sit up, only to realize that it wasn't even my phone ringing—it was Sae's.

Normally, I would've just ignored it and told him someone had called while he was away, but something told me to pick up his phone.

And well—I did. The phone screen flashed in my face and my heart fucking dropped.

The caller ID staring back at me read 'Kyara Rumi'. Kyara fucking Rumi. The same girl who relentlessly made my life a living hell in highschool, was calling Sae's phone.

To say I was mad was to say the least—I was fucking pissed.

Why the fuck was Rumi calling Sae in the first place? And why did Sae have Rumi saved in his contacts? All these questions began to swirl in my head, and all of them without answer.

I couldn't confront him either, especially not in front of my family. I need to think of way to ask him about it and quick.

I heard the knob of the room door turn, causing me to put his phone down and get up, I had to avoid any sort of interaction with at all costs, even if it meant ignoring him.

The door opened and in entered Sae, sweaty and everything. "Oh you're awake, I went out for a run, sorry I didn't make it" he said, panting a little. I don't know what pissed me off more, the fact he's been lying this whole time or the fact he acted like nothing ever fucking happened.

I swiftly move past him, leaving the room and shutting the door behind me, leaning against it with a long and heavy sigh.

I was beginning to walk away when I heard his voice from inside.

"I told you already that what we had is over, stop calling me Rumi." I heard his muffled voice speak sharply, steel-like.

And with that—one of my questions was half answered. So it was a fling, could it have been here? Or in Spain? Whatever, the point is that I need to confront him sooner or later.

I walked away, not wishing to hear anymore from him or his stupid conversation.

I walked down the hall, biting my tongue in pure rage, trying to stop myself from putting on a whole show at my house. I needed a plan and I needed one now. Today would most likely be our last day here, which meant i'd have a chance to talk to him on the way back home.

Fuck man. That dumb fuck, ruining my whole mood with just one phone call. I should've just strangled him and hunted her down right after.

"Valkarie? Are you okay mija you look upset?" I heard my moms voice concerningly ask.

I look up and find her peeking into the corridor from the kitchen, her eyebrows knitted together and her lips pursed, her eyes filled with nothing but worry.

"I'm fine ma, just had a bad dream" I awkwardly replied. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't exactly the truth either.

She nodded, but put a finger over her mouth, gesturing me to be quiet and pointed to the living room where my younger siblings sat. I quickly understood what she was trying to tell me and nodded back to her.

"Morning big sis!" Juniper happily chirped, kicking her feet happily. "Morning sis, jeez you look like you're about to kill somebody" he laughed, pointing at me and trying to recreate the look on my face. He wasn't wrong either, but of course I couldn't say anything yet.

"Morning" I rasped out, giving a half wave before I sat down at the table, cupping my face with my hands before taking a deep breath.

That's when Sae urgently strides into the living room, "I'll be back I have to take care of something" he announced, but it didn't take a genius to see right through his pathetic act. Everything was all too suspicious to be a coincidence given the timing of everything.

He's gonna go see Rumi, I just know it, I don't know for for what, but the point is that he's going to go see her, and that's all that matters.

Goddammit Itoshi Sae, you just had to get yourself involved with that bitch.

I paid no attention to him and acted like I didn't notice he even spoke, which he obviously noted, but couldn't do anything and continued to walk towards the door and leave.

"I'll be right back, I gotta get something from the car" I casually said as I abruptly got up from the table, my mom only hummed, giving me a slight wave as I walked out. Luckily, Sae was still in my field of vision, and I slowly trailed him. For someone who was going to see another girl, he wasn't discreet at all.

Especially him being Itoshi fucking Sae, he didn't even have any sort of disguise on, just how dumb was this guy? Jeez.

His phone had started ringing and he reached in his pocket and pulled it out, putting it up to his ear before he spoke. "Hello?" he said, looking left and right as he continued to walk. "No i'm almost there, just wait, it's already bad enough i'm lying just to meet up with you" he spoke again, irritation laced in his words.

If I was going to stop him, it'd have to be now. I quickly ran up to him and grabbed his shoulder "Sae! My mom asked you to do her a favor" I lied, playing dumb for now and his reaction only added to my satisfaction.

He looked like he'd just seen a ghost, he went absolutely pale and his eyes were blown wide. With one swift motion he hung up and stuffed his phone so far down his pockets I thought his phone would never see the light of day again. "Rae- shit you scared me" he nervously chuckled, his words trembling.

Son of a bitch.. this is only the start.


this chapter is so short i'm gonna cry

I officially hit writers block guys i'm seriously considering discontinuing this book🫠

anyways meanwhile have these sketches of Valkarie cosplaying as Gwen in honor of the new spider-man movie :D

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anyways meanwhile have these sketches of Valkarie cosplaying as Gwen in honor of the new spider-man movie :D

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