Chapter 21

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Reader's PoV:

I set there, paying very close attention to Farah's facial expression while she appeared to be in deep thought, Farah looked as though she might be reliving a memory, a painful memory, wanting her back here with me, I place both wine glasses Farah had filled, down in-front of us.

"Farah?" whispering her name, I lean in slightly so that my lips are next to her ear, "come back to me, my love," I purr softly, placing a gentle kiss upon her cheek.

"Sorry,,," Farah gave me a quick glance, before looking down at her hands, she twiddled her fingers nervously, "I Killed Rosalind," Farah blurted out so fast, I almost missed what she had said.

"What?" I asked not quite sure I had heard her correctly, "You killed Rosalind?" I wanted to make sure that I had indeed heard her correctly, I receive a slight nod from Farah, confirming I had heard her correctly, I just reached for her hand, intertwining our fingers, not doubting for a second that Farah would have had a good reason for killing Rosalind, I wasn't going to judge or make her feel any more guilt, then she already clearly felt.

I knew Farah, okay yes, we have been separated for years, thanks to my parents and the war against the burned ones, that didn't mean a thing, I knew in my heart that Farah was still just as gentle and kind as she had always been when we were children, nothing she could say or tell me would change my mind or my heart, that Rosalind's woman must of done something pretty terrible, if Farah had to take her down.

"I woke up one morning to find Rosalind wasn't in bed next to me," Farah began, even though Rosalind was dead, I couldn't help feeling slightly jealous at the thought of her holding my Farah in her arms, making love to my Farah, I push the green eye monster away, telling her that tonight Farah would be in my arms and every night for now on, "I got up out of bed and looked for her, she was nowhere in our suite, as I was getting dress for the day, Rosalind walked in, telling me, that we were needed at Aster Dell, that there was going to be a burn one attack, I followed her without question," Farah now had tears running down her face, I didn't say a word, I began making small circles on the back of her hand with my thumb.

"Why would you question her? You loved her, which meant you trusted her," I told Farah, when it looked like she wasn't going to say anything further.

"I should of questioned her," Farah said angrily, as she snapped her head towards me, eyes filled with anger, when she realised it was me, her eyes turned from angry eyes to soft loving eyes, "If I had questioned her, things might of turned out very differently," Farah said with a broken voice, "As we journeyed to Aster Dell, Rosalind informed us that, there was plans in place to evacuate the village, before the burned ones were due to attack,,," Farah stopped talking as she took her wine glass and drunk half of it in one mouthful, I felt Farah's pain coming off of her in waves, I wanted nothing more than to take away her pain forever.

Picking up my own glass, sipping a little of my wine, Farah and I set in silence for what felt like the longest time, actually; it had only been a minute or two, when Farah finally let a sigh out, "Rosalind kept so much from me, all the secrets, all the lies, I know I did love Rosalind, however I never truly belonged to her, I had always belonged to you," Farah eyes had nothing but love in them now, "Rosalind only told us that day, as we were travelling towards Aster Dell, that fairies could combine their magics, that exactly what we did on that hilltop, we destroy Aster Dell, along with hundreds of Burned ones," Farah voice once again broken with emotions, with that I pulled Farah into my arms, holding onto her so tightly, protecting her from the world.

While I was holding onto Farah, I got the feeling that burned ones wasn't the one thing that had been killed; that fateful day, Farah shuffled in my arms, burying her face in my shoulder, I kissed the top of her head, as I stroke her hair, using my magic to smooth and calm her.

"I have always belonged to you as well Farah," I hope my words are some kind of comfort for her, I knew what she meant, even though some part of me had loved Samantha, I had never really belonged to her, however it wasn't about me and Samantha right now, it was about Farah and Rosalind, "Farah... whatever happened between you and Rosalind won't stop me from loving you, I'm never leaving your side again," I reassure her, with that said, Farah shuffled again leaning backwards slightly, looking me in the eyes.

"Promise?" Farah asked with hopeful eyes, I nod my head slightly than leaned downwards placing a feather like kiss on her lips, "i believe you," Farah responded after our kiss.

"Do you feel up to finishing telling me what happened at Aster dell?" I moved a lock of hair out of Farah's face, tucking it behind her ear.

"I want to finish telling you, because you had a right to know that you are dating a killer," Farah said causing my whole body to tense, as I had a flashback at hearing Farah's words, a flashback that had been my real-life nightmare.

"Samantha?"... Samantha no... I...I killed her, I killed Samantha," the words echoed throughout my mind, like ghosts from the past whispering, while images of blood-stained hands fleshed through my mind. blood that belonged to both Samantha and myself...

To Be Continue:

Hope you enjoyed this update, yes it going to get a little dark over the next couple of chapters, R&R are always welcome.

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