Chapter 1.5

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Eira's eyes widened in shock and fear as the multicolored flames shot toward the sky, the heat almost unbearable. Technicolor sparks flew in its wake. She could feel the ground shaking beneath her, and she stumbled back, her arms flailing as she tried to regain her balance. Freya and Fëandil shouted her name, their voices muffled by the roar of the flames.

She tried to extinguish the flames with a wave of her hand, but her magic wouldn't respond. She stood paralyzed in fear as the flames grow higher and higher, threatening to consume the entire training field. Flames of all colors twisted and writhed throughout the earth and sky as they devoured everything in their path. She saw trees and bushes go up in smoke and the ground crack beneath the intense heat.

Panic set in as Eira struggled to regain control of the spell. She tried to remember the incantation she had studied so tirelessly, but her mind was blank, consumed by the overwhelming chaos before her. The fire seemed to be getting stronger by the second, and she knew that if she didn't do something soon, it would consume everything in its path.

Freya and Fëandil shouted for her to run, but Eira was still frozen in place, unable to tear her eyes away from the raging inferno. Her heart sank as she realized that she had made a grave mistake. The lost spell had been too powerful for her to handle.

Damn that librarian. She ground her teeth. If he hadn't been so condescending, perhaps she would have listened. He knew how headstrong she was, after all. She distantly heard Fëandil shouting incantation after incantation, but she did not know if his icy magic had any effect. She had cast a broken spell. Tárienna

They would be lucky if anyone of them could contain this.

Her eyes darted to Arin, who had been watching from a distance. He was now caught in the wake of the explosion, crying out in pain as the sparks singed his skin. She wanted to sink to her knees then and beg for forgiveness. She had hurt him. Again.

"Arin!" She screamed, rushing towards him. "Hold on, I can fix this!" 

Eira knew the words sounded unsure, even to herself.

She saw his friend Kael rush in from across the field to help. He must have been training nearby or heard the commotion. Kael had always been a master of healing magic and had a knack for mending injuries quickly and effectively.

As Eira reached Arin, she could feel the intense heat radiating off him. She knew she had to act fast before the flames caused any more harm. With a deep breath, she forced herself to focus and frantically searched for a way to contain the inferno she had unleashed. 

Kael reached her side and practically shoved her to the side to begin his healing magic.

He worked quickly, his hands glowing with a soft blue light as he focused on Arin's wounds. The fire had burned his skin badly, but Kael's healing magic was already starting to take effect. Arin's cries of pain gradually subsided, and he lay still, his breathing shallow and labored.

A voice called out to her from behind. "Eira, let me help you," Freya said, her voice firm and steady.

Eira turned to see the twins running for her, their faces determined. They had faced dangerous situations before, and they were far better at containment spells than she had ever been.

Together, the three of them began to recite incantations, weaving their magic in an intricate dance to try and contain the raging inferno. Eira felt a flicker of hope as she saw the flames begin to die down, but then they roared back to life, threatening to overwhelm them once more.

"We need more concentrated power," Fëandil shouted over the roaring flames. "Eira, focus your magic and channel it towards us. We'll amplify it and try to contain the spell."

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