Chapter 11

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From the teachings of The Radiant Path, the Book of Ancestors, written in the Pure Tongue

From the teachings of The Radiant Path, the Book of Ancestors, written in the Pure Tongue

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Immellyn na gurth i ess lhebren, ach i neithi govaded dhûr ennas

Inthe tapestry of destiny, the strand might not weave the pattern, but thethreads will intertwine once more in the grand design.

Eira's morning unfolded against the backdrop of a contemplative gaze fixed on the note left by King Darian. The parchment bore the weight of an unsettling enigma, its inked words a haunting reminder of the mysteries that lurked within the castle walls. The intricate patterns of the royal seal seemed to mock her, and a shiver ran down her spine as she pondered the cryptic message.

Pushing aside the disquieting thoughts, Eira rose from her seat to embrace the day. The sun spilled through the ornate windows, casting a golden hue upon her surroundings. The routine she had meticulously forged became a refuge, a rhythmic dance that momentarily drowned out the unsettling undercurrents of the castle.

In the solitude of her quarters, she reflected on her suitemate, Elara. Since the impromptu music session upon her arrival, a cloak of silence had enveloped their shared space.

Eira, feeling the weight of lingering concerns, decided to address the silence that enveloped her shared space with Elara. The polished wood of her violin case clutched in hand, she approached Elara's door and gave it a tentative knock.

"Elara?" she called out, her voice a gentle inquiry. "Is everything alright?"

The air within the corridor held the hushed echo of her words, but no response emanated from behind the closed door. Eira furrowed her brow, a subtle worry etching across her features. The camaraderie they had once shared seemed to dissipate into the stillness of the castle walls.

Unsure of the reason for Elara's withdrawal, Eira stood there for a moment, contemplating whether to press further or to let the mystery unfold in its own time. The grand halls echoed with the distant hum of rehearsal, yet the silence that lingered at Elara's door felt more profound, like a note suspended in an unresolved melody.

Throughout the day, Eira immersed herself in practice sessions with fellow musicians. The grand halls of the castle resonated with the harmonies of various compositions. As she navigated the corridors, her violin case slung across her back, she couldn't shake the feeling that the note had disrupted the delicate balance she had tried to maintain.

The routine of knocking on Elara's door became a poignant ritual as she came and went from their quarters. Each time she returned, she would knock, hoping for a response that never came. The silence felt louder with every passing moment, an unresolved melody lingering in the air.

Despite the noise bleeding in from other musicians' quarters along the corridor, Eira chose to practice in her room, avoiding the practice rooms where memories of their impromptu music sessions lingered. The unanswered knocks served as a stark reminder of the growing distance between them, and the castle walls seemed to guard more secrets than she dared to uncover.

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