Chapter 12.5

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Their search brought them to the grand library, its vast collection of knowledge stretching before them. Standing on the threshold, Freya couldn't shake the flood of memories that engulfed her. The scent of ancient parchment, the dim glow of the reading lamps, and the towering shelves holding the collective wisdom of ages all carried the weight of shared history. Eira's absence echoed louder here, where countless nights were spent deciphering spells, navigating arcane texts, and occasionally, nudging Freya awake in the small hours of the morning.

But now, outside the familiar entrance, doubt gnawed at Freya's resolve. Eira was more than a friend; she was a study partner, a companion in the world of written knowledge. Freya, who had an almost symbiotic relationship with the books, would often find herself dragged into this labyrinth of letters by Eira, whose disdain for reading was only surpassed by her reliance on Freya's patience and willingness.

"Fëandil," Freya's voice wavered as she glanced at her twin, "do you think... maybe she doesn't want to be found? I mean, she didn't tell us she was leaving. What if she left on purpose?"

"I've had the same thoughts," he admitted, his voice carrying the weight of contemplation. "But it was always easier to push them aside when we had your determination leading the way."

Her gaze shifted from his to the vast collection of knowledge before them. "All those times she dragged me here... it wasn't just about the books. It was about us, helping each other, being there for each other."

Fëandil sighed. "Maybe she thought this time was different. That we'd be in the way. Stubborn as she is, she might think she can handle it alone."

Freya scoffed at that, but unease crept in. For Eira not to tell them about her department, this wild goose chase they had been sent on, the imminent danger to her life...

It was enough to have her enter into the library, doubts forgotten. The moment Freya and Fëandil crossed the threshold into the library, the librarian, a wiry man with a beard that seemed to bristle with irritation, shot them a withering glare. His eyes, magnified by round spectacles, were like two fiery orbs of disdain.

"Well, well, if it isn't trouble itself strolling back into my domain," he muttered under his breath, loud enough for them to hear. The books on the nearest shelf seemed to shiver in response, as if sharing the librarian's sentiment.

Freya crossed her arms and shot back with a smirk. "Peace is overrated, don't you think?"

The librarian's lips curled into a disdainful sneer. "Not in the slightest. The only reason you lot are tolerated in here is because of that firebrand friend of yours. And what brings you now? More chaos? More disturbances?"

Fëandil, attempting diplomacy, interjected, "We seek information about Eira, our friend. She might have been here recently. Any sightings or peculiar incidents?"

The librarian's eyes squinted with thinly veiled contempt. "Eira? Of course, she's been here. Made it sound like she owned the place. Threatened to unleash a conflagration that would make the Great Fire seem like a candlelight dinner if I didn't let her delve into whatever nonsense she desired. And as if that wasn't enough, she abducted poor Lydia, dragging her into her web of madness."

Freya leaned against the nearest bookshelf, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Lydia, huh? Mind sharing more details about Eira's latest recruit?"

The librarian huffed, as if discussing Lydia was beneath him. "She's one of my apprentices, one of the more promising ones. That was until Eira got her clutches on her. If you're so interested, she's dusting the floorboards in the history section."

Fëandil raised an eyebrow. "Dusting floorboards? How is that beneficial to the library?"

The librarian snorted as if their lack of understanding amused him. "Beneficial? It's a reminder. Apprentices should be preserving knowledge, not cavorting with heretics and helping to destroy it. Lydia needs to learn that."

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