DNA+Mutagen Experiments (2012)

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The story is quite simple, some bad intentioned humans, along with Baxter Stockman, get their hands on some mutagen and want to start doing some experiments, but there are no volunteers for obvious reasons, so one day they meet Mikey during a patrol night when he was on his own and then lure him to a trap, three years later, his brothers find him as a disfigured and deformed creature with little to no thoughts or conscience.

He was a lab rat for years, only receiving the minimum human treatment from one of the scientists, Patrick Stockman, (that turned out to be Stockman's son) that felt some sort of attachment and pity towards him for what was happening to him, the other scientists noticed the bond forming between them and tried to separate them until they realized that this could be an advantage they could use against the mutant, in one of the procedures there was an accident and the scientist, in a panic, used his own blood and DNA to save Michelangelo's life, making them technically related in some way, atleast in their heads.

Eventually, the scientists finished their studies and ran out of use for Michelangelo, choosing to kill him off to end this mess so they can move on with whatever their plans are, but Patrick stopped them right on time and released Michelangelo, who was infuriated, and with the single command from his "Papa", he went on a rampage and slaughtered all of those who had hurt him, in the end, they were the last two standing on that small facility and for months on end, Patrick took care and watched over Michelangelo until his brothers found him and took him home to heal.

His damage can't really be physically healed, but his brothers can still save him mentally by bringing back his conscience, it's a long and slow process that took a couple of years to be completed, he still had violent episodes every now and then so he had to be kept in a cage at the first months, he started responding shortly after and was able to fully speak and communicate again, after this, his memories came back, and once it was all finished, he was finally reformed and the family was happily reunited, ready to face the world once again.

I don't really have many more plots about this one in mind.

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