Mikai (2012)

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During a mission to rescue Karai, Michelangelo heads on to save his big sister but just as the two of them were about to scape, Mikey and Karai end up getting caught and beaten to a pulp, they are brought as hostages to be used against Splinter and the others by being held above a tank of mutagen, but this event has a turn for the worst when Mikey's struggles to free himself end up causing him to fall off, Karai, wanting to retribute his kindness and having built a significant bond with him at this point, charges in after him, the two fall onto the mutagen as their family watch in horror and anticipation.

Karai hugs Mikey out of despair and he returns the hug for the same reason, the only difference being that while Karai was desperate because of the panic and the idea she had to save them both from there, Mikey was desperate because he was in pain and fearing death, so he held onto his sister for dear life, thinking she might be in pain as well and not wanting them both to suffer alone.

Their physical contact and similar states of mind lead the mutagen to basically blend them together into one weird mess, their despair and care for eachother in that moment caused them to somewhat fuse, but no one could see them through the glass and alien chemicals.

As the two bodies meld into eachother and slowly reshapes itself to a more humanoid form, the rest of the hamato clan is forced to retreat, because during the fight, that happened in Baxter Stockman's lab, a big machine was activated and accidentally set to self destruct, as much as Splinter and the turtles felt the need to stay and help Michelangelo and Karai, they knew they would probably die before saving them, so they had no other option but to run away, following what the Shredder sees as the path of the cowards, just running away from the problems instead of fixing the mistake.

Suddenly, a creature emerges from the mutagen tank, the creature had a strange dark gray skin, dark short hair and four arms, two normal ones and two emerging from it's back, being a bit longer and rougher then the more normal ones, when the Shredder got a good look at it's face, some of the traits rang a bell, the creature's face had similarities to both Karai and Michelangelo, it was uncanny to say the least, his adoptive daughter had already mutated once, but now, for what it seemed, she was trapped in the same body as one of the followers of his biggest enemy with no known way of freeing her, which only angered him more.

The creature fell unconscious as soon as it fell out of the tank, he took the thing back to his lair, and filled with disgust, the Shredder threw the creature in his chambers, like a private prison beneath the grounds of his base, the creature became a seed for his fury, he tried leaving it alone, but this crawling feeling of frustration kept haunting him, bringing him to his absolute nerves as he dreads that creature's very existence, he comes to check on it everyday, sometimes beating it when he feels like it, until he eventually grows tired of dealing with it, abandoning whatever had remained of the girl he raised out of pure spite, but despite the hopelessness of the situation, the creature had a source of comfort, it's mind.

After Mikey and Miwa were fused into one, they began to share their mind, they were both present in it's core, almost like roommates, they can see into eachother's memories and basically read eachother's thoughts, they would often talk to eachother about what was going on around them and stuff, in one of those talks, they decided on a new name for themselves, Mikai, and everytime they were left alone, they would try to figure out how the new body worked, which was actually a pretty fun experience, they discovered that their body could stretch, bend, merge and even shrink at will, an ability they could use later on when they try to scape, they also figured out that despite being two separate entities within the mind, they can choose to synchronize and basically become one, though this balance cannot be kept for too long.

After Shredder's abandonment, the two siblings started formulating a plan of escape, which was quite easy to be discreet about since they could talk through thoughts instead of actually using their voice, which sounds a bit funny, it sounds like the voice of a young girl, not really a child, but definitely not a grown-up's like Karai's old voice, and depending of who was using the voice to speak, the tone suited them, it could sound relatively similar to both Karai and Mikey's voice, their new form sure has a lot of perks when you're self aware and not a mostly mindless creature like most subjects that are affected by the mutagen.

With just a few weeks of planning, they started working on their scape, first, they broke the locks and scaped the cell, second, they shrinked their body to the size of a hand and infiltrated the vents, which they could use to move around as they pleased as long as they stayed quiet, third, thanks to Karai's knowledge, they found their way to Baxter Stockman's lab, where they stole some chemical products with the help of their super stretchy arms, being almost unnoticed by Stockman, who was asleep on his desk after probably one or two all-nighters, and with a mix and a gas mask, Mikai was able to flood the building with tranquilizer gas, which slowly caused every goon, robot and even the Shredder to pass out in minutes, it would take a while until the gas was completely gone from the ventilation system, but on the bright side, Mikai had plenty of time to enact their wicked little revenge.

The mutants and robot followers of the Shredder were thrown into an industrial shredder (ironic, isn't?) And shred until the last bit of their body was ripped apart, only the mutants' left arms survived, Mikai kept them as if they were rewards or trophys, they found a strange enjoyment in putting an end to their enemies, a feeling of relief and satisfaction, an odd feeling of safety enveloped their hearts as the threats to their well being started falling down like flies, but something was not there, not where it was supposed to be, someone got away before their attack and that meant they were still in harm's way, as long as there are enemies out there, they might bring danger to Mikai's door, and they couldn't take this risk, not anymore, they were scared, scared to become their prisoner again, scared to suffer on their hands, scared to be hurt and then left behind.

Mikey and Karai try to keep their cool, they support eachother mentally and somewhat physically since they share a mind and body, they talk to eachother, they rely on eachother for comfort and reassurance at every turn, they refuse to leave the Foot's headquarters, the place, for as many bad memories they hold of there, is still very secured and safe, the security system was great if managed properly and it was pretty much a fortress, and after all, who would they even go to if they left? The Hamato clan abbandoned them there, never attempting to save or rescue them, the Mutanimals could be potential allies, but they are in another dimension, and even if they were around, they would probably turn on them once they found out how Mikai dealt with their enemies, same for the Hamato clan, even though they are Mikey's and Karai's family, they believed that their family would put their moral over them, specially now that they were this... THING, who are they to tell if their family would ever take them back? That they would help them?

Turns out, Stockman of all people managed to get away, he's going to tell the turtles once he finds them, but until then, he had to retreat to his old lab he's been trying to develop something to use against Mikai, maybe a cure, maybe a deadly poison, whatever he comes up with first, he's desperate, maybe he can trick the turtles into helping him when they all get in touch.

(And the story would basically be this.)

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