Death scenario (2003)

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Mikey and Raph were chasing down a villain inside some abbandoned subway lines, the mystery creature escaped, but not before throwing a poisoned blade to deflect the two turtle mutants, the blade stabbed Mikey in the belly and the poison started to spread quickly, it would kill him in less then 10 minutes if he didn't get an antidote, he fell back in pain and Raph had to give up the chase to help his little brother.

🔴 - "MIKEY!! Are you alright?! Hang on a minute, I'll call Don! He's gonna fix you up."

Donatello's Pov:

*ring.... ring...*

🟣 - "Hello? Raph?"

🔴 - *static sounds* "Donni..... need.... elp... Mik... oisoned!!"

🟣 - "Wow wow!! Calm down, what?!"

🔴 - "Help!!... SUBW... INE... FORTY SEV... QUICK!!"

🟣 - "Ok ok, uhh... subway line... 47? The abbandoned one?"

🔴 - "Y.... ES!!"

🟣 - "Ok, we're on our way, stay still."

*hungs up*

🟣 - ".... what was he saying, is Mikey stuck or something?"

Raph's Pov:

🔴 - "Ok... ok... I think he got the message, damn, the signal is horrible."

🟠 - "R-raph..."

🔴 - "A-are you ok?! Try to stay calm, if your heartbeat get faster, so does the poison."

🟠 - "Ok... so... Raph?"

🔴 - "Yeah, little man?"

🟠 - "Do you remember that song... from that... funny movie we watched as kids?..."

🔴 - "Song from a movie? Which one?"

🟠 - "That one that... we both cried, hehe, remember?"

🔴 - "What the... no, not a clue."

🟠 - "It went kinda like this, "I see trees of green... red roses too"".

🔴🟠 - "I see them bloom, for me and you."

🟠🔴 - "And I think to myself..."

🟠 - "What a wonderful world..."

🔴 - "Heh, that's the name bro, you just said it."

🟠 - "What a wonderful world? Huh, neat."

🔴 - "So uhh... what about it?"

🟠 - "Can we... like... sing together?"

🔴 - "Sing!? What for, man?!"

🟠 - "To relax, please don't yell... you're upsetting me, dude..."

🔴 - "Oh, sorry. But no way, if this is your way of making a dramatic leave from this mortal plane, there's no way I'm joining in!"

🟠 - "I never said that, I don't wanna die, Raph. I'm as scared as you are right now, it hurts and I'm scared, please... just do this one for me?..."

🔴 - "I... *sigh* fine... but you better stay alive by the end of it, ok?! Don't pass away on me!"

🟠 - "I pinky promise."

🔴 - "Ok, whenever you're ready, dumbo."

🟠 - "Hehe...I see skies of blue..."

🔴 - "And clouds of white..."

🟠 - "The bright blessed day..."

🔴 - "The dark sacred night."

🟠🔴 - "And I think to myself... what a wonderful world..."

🔴 - "The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky."

🟠 - "Are also on the faces, of people going by..."

🟠 - "I see friends shaking hands."

🟠 - "Saying, "How do you do?""

🔴🟠 - "They're really saying... "I love you""

🔴 - "I hear babies cry...I watch them grow... they'll learn much more... than I'll ever know."

🔴 - "And I think to myself... What a wonderful world..."

🟠🔴 - "Yeah... I think to myself... what a wonderful world..."

🔴 - "...Mikey?"

🟠"Hum? What? I said I'd make it, heheh!"

🔴"Right.... what a relief..."

🟠"...Do you think I won't survive...?"

🔴"What?! NO!! I do, I believe in you, you'll make it out of here! And then we and the others will order some pizza, how about that? A... a pizza party, just for us... just for you..."

🟠"Hey, brother..."


🟠"If something does happen... and I don't make it..."

🔴"God darn it, Mikey."

🟠"Please don't blame the others... or yourself... this isn't your fault."


🟠"I don't want you to put your emotions aside for their sake, take your time, heal yourself before saving the others, ok?"

🔴"Mikey... please..."

🟠"I just want you guys to know that I love you all, and I forgive you, for anything or everything."

🔴"Please shut up..."

🟠"I understand if you're mad, or if you get mad, I just don't want you to take it out on our family."

- "Just shut up..."

- "And I want you to know, everytime you smile, I'll be there to smile with you, no matter what."

- "I don't wanna hear this, stop!!"

- "... you're crying..."

- "You bet I am! Quit saying crap like that I... please... I can't take this anymore..."

- "Ok, I'm done... do you... want a hug?"

- "....... yes...."

Mikey weakly pulls Raphael in for a hug, he cries on his little brother's shoulder and hugs him back tightly, afraid to let him go, Michelangelo feels his life draining away from his body as he begins blacking out.

- "R-raphie... thank you... you're the best..."

With that said, Mikey's body goes limp, his arms still resting over his big brother, who cries in grief, after a good few minutes of shedding tears, Raphael pulls away from Mikey for a moment and sees his face, he's smiling tranquily, Mikey was still smiling, his eyes were dull and lifeless but the smile stood out over all the tragedy of the situation when Raph realized.... his brother was in peace, he was just happy to have one of his brothers by his side in his last moments, and now, he could rest in peace, Raph picked him up and craddled Mikey in his arms before sitting down by a wall to wait for his rescue, he could even try to find a way out by himself, but he just... couldn't find the will to move, and he would never leave Mikey, he's too heavy to carry, so he just held onto the corpse until Leo and Donnie finally arrived.

Many years later, the brothers all died during an apocalypse, the woke up at the gates of the after life where they met not only Mikey, who patiently waited for them to arrive there, but also Splinter, their father, the two were sitting by the entrance and were more than happy to see the three turtles arrive, they ran to eachother for a big group hug, reuniting the family before they all entered the after life, meeting all of their friends once again after such a long time being apart, the turtles and Splinter eventually reeincarnated as a family again and keep doing so, their bond remained for ages on end until their souls wore out and naturally faded with time, they left existence as a happy and loving family.

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