Big Bro Mikey AU (2012)

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This idea is simple, I changed the order of the turtles age, to me it always was Leo, Donnie, Raph and then Mikey, from oldest to youngest,  so I went on and made.

Michelangelo is the oldest.
Raphael is the second oldest.
Leonardo the second youngest.
Donatello the youngest.

In this universe, Splinter is a bit neglectful of his sons, not wanting to get attached to them like he did to his daughter, afraid of one day losing the potential family he got like he did before with the family that he once had, because in this universe Miwa and Tang chen actually died by Uroko Saki's hands, so Splinter tried to distance himself from the boys, so in the end, the boys had to mostly take care of eachother, Splinter did teach them some basic Ninjitsus and they just evolved their abilities to match their style and to turn the ninja style of fighting something more familiar and natural to them, so their fighting styles are mostly brand new or inspired by some other kind of martial arts they knew about.

Michelangelo was and is the best at reading people, in this case, his brothers, so he always watched over them, being a loving caretaker that gives them all the love in the world, mostly through actions, because for some various reasons I came up with but couldn't quite pick one, Mikey is not that much of a fan of talking or speaking at all, he talks with a mix of ASL and his own version of sign language he made up with his brothers when they were little, because surprise surprise, toddlers can't learn ASL without anything or anyone to teach them how, and they only learned later on when Donnie found an educational book of ASL for kids, where they started to research more to expend their big bro's vocabulary so he won't have to actually talk, Michael loves his brothers very much and is willing to fight or even kill for their sake, he is quiet and reserved most of the time, but he's the kind of person that can make a serious and numb face while being overwhelmed on the inside, wheter of happiness, or anger, or frustration, but sadness really hits him hard in the gut.

Raphael is always a bit concerned for Mikey since they were kids, he was so focused on taking care of them that sometimes he wouldn't care for himself, but he was always able to get him to catch a break and rest, Raph would be the second one in charge and the first to step up to care for the others when Mikey was out of child care duty, he had some anger issues as a child but Mikey helped him manage it and how to calm himself down if the steam pressure rises too much, so he is very more chilled and a bit relaxed than the original, but he is a bit temperamental if pushed too much and he may come out as a strict authority figure, but he is just trying to keep the order so nothing bad can happen, like an accident for example, which used to happen a lot when they were kids, and seeing how that harmed his brothers and how much guilt his big bro felt for not being able to stop it from happening, pushed him to be more careful when it comes to their baby brothers.

Leonardo is very carefree and hard headed, he has an strong welland pretty grounded moralities, he learns throughout time to be more open minded and to listen to other's opinions more closely, he always saw Donnie like a twin, being the two dumb-dumbs of the family with actual brain when time truly needs it, Leo is very sly and sneaky, but he is a terrible liar, he would often leave the Lair when no one was looking to skateboard around the sewers and subway tunnels, he almost got lost a few times but always found his way home, he would drive their older bros crazy all the time, but suddenly disappearing like that for hours on end, pranking them with the help of Donnie whenever he felt like it, or by just pretending to do something stupid of reckless just to freak them out and get attention, not that he feels like he doesn't have enough of it, he just likes being the center of everyone's attention, so when they ground him, they usually add the silence treatment just for good measure, Leo gets quite frustrated when ignored.

And then there's Donnie, the youngest but somehow the tallest of his brothers, he is obsessed with sciences of all kinds, he live for an experiment and has some pyromania tendencies when it comes to weapon making, he makes his own weapons despite already having a bō at his use, but he uses it more like a gadget than an actual weapon since he doesn't engage much in battle, none of them do actually, the explaination will be given soon enough, Donatello has more particular skill on robotics, he finds himself some stuff for building robots in the town's junkyard that surprisingly always has one of two reusable pieces and parts to spare, and since new junk is brought everyday, it's basically an endless source of materials, despite being relatively chilled and calm, Donnie is very impulsive and explorer, always scanning and investigating thoroughly every new area they go, a consuming hunger for knowledge that he just can't resist, he can also be a bit clingy and playful, and he come with the bonus of not having a crush on April, or anyone in that matter.

This universe's version of April is very calm and warm, she met the turtles after she got mentally mutated into a psychic, she left the journalist club and joined the psychology club for studying, treating the turtle's like her own family (brothers), and she has some daddy issues since her father is never home and she never got as much love or attention a child would need, and after understanding a bit about the turtle's own daddy issues and how they all subconsciously got attached to Michelangelo in a way almost like if he was a father-figure to them, she ended up joining in on the Daddy-Mikey squad and became very close to him as if he was her real father, of course not explicitly, she had some embarassing moments because of that, like calling Michael "dad" on accident, his other brothers always laugh it off, and Mikey doesn't really mind it, he actually seems appreciate that his brothers and her see him as someone so reliable like a parent.

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