Eggs (2012)

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Now, this is just something funny I thought of when I saw some headcanons of transmasc Mikey and a funny comic of transmasc rise!Leo.

My version of this is that, well, Splinter is no biologists, he probably couldn't tell if the turtles were male or female, but since the petshop employee that he adopted the turtles from said they were all male, he just took it as absolutely truth, raising them four while adressing all of them as he/him and stuff.

But since they're mutated turtles, there really were no signs that Mikey was a different sex than his brothers, but he really did see himself as a boy, not for any particular reason, he just... felt like a boy, and that was ok, he lived his whole life as a boy.

One day, probably a few weeks after the turtles turned 18, Mikey woke up with a strange pain on his bottom, when he looked under the covers, he was shocked to see a bundle of turtle eggs in between his legs, he freaks out and screams at the top of his lungs, making his three brothers rush in to see what the hell is going on.

When they see the sittuation, they all have very different reactions, Leo just froze in confusion, Donnie was shocked and a bit nervous about what happened, meanwhile, Raph burst out laughing non-stop, even falling on the floor as he tried to gasp for air.

Donnie had decided a few months ago to make some DNA tests to make something like genetical profiles of them in his computer, he collected samples from all of his brothers and friends and began to run some exams not so long ago, he immediately pulled out Mikey's sample and began analyzing it, finding out that, yes, he is a girl, biologically speaking.

Everyone was shocked at the revelation, specially Mikey, that was still holding onto his recently laid eggs in the very blanket he laid them on, just for Donnie to tell him that these weren't baby eggs since they were not fertilized, Mikey huffed and refused to believe him,

🟠 - "Why would I lay eggs if they didn't had babies in them?"

Donnie simply replied with:

🟣 - "For the same reason why not all the eggs a chicken lays have baby chickens inside of them."

Fair enough, Donnie showed Mikey a simple test to confirm that he was child free, he got a lantern and checked with him each and every single egg, if you put the egg on the light it'll do like a rayX and show what's inside, if there's a small, dark bubble in it, it means that there is a baby, if not, it's just a regular egg, and after nearly a hour, Mikey was a bit deceptioned to find out he wasn't going to be a papa.

They wondered what to do with all the eggs, Mikey considered to eat or cook those eggs so they won't go to waste, and honestly, no one was really into the idea of doing so at first, but since Mikey seemed to react so naturally to eating them just like that, they all sorta did the same, and so eggs became a common food for them that they wouldn't have to worry much about running out of since Mikey would pretty much lay dozens of them every couple of months or so, they do feel a bit weird about it tho.

Facts that support this:

*turtles do lay eggs even if they're not fertilized.

*turtles can lay about 80-180 eggs per time.

*after laying their eggs, turtles take around 6 months to lay more of them again.

*turtle moms and regular turtles don't have any natural instinct to not eat their own eggs in nature.


April and Casey found out about it not so soon after the incident through phone calls.

April's reaction: amaze but weirded out by the turtles eating his brother's eggs.

🟡 - "Wait... so Mikey is a girl!?! Wow!! That's... odd but incredible at the same time. But what did you say about the eggs again?"

Casey's reaction: Surprised but he still wants to mess around with him as homies regardless.

⚫ - "So... Mikey is a girl, and he... she... Mikey laid eggs? That's a lot to take in... anyway, So can I flirt with him now without needing to say "no homo"? That'd be awesome."

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