Accident in party (Mutant Mayhem)

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It was a regular day in human school for Mikey, he was hanging out with his friends from improv comedy club and one of them, Thomas, invited him to an all teens party downtown, that was the first time he was ever invited to a party, so he quickly said yes.

Later that day, he went back home and told his family he was gonna go out at night, his brothers, his dad and scumbug rushed to him and started lecturing him in all sorts of ways, Leo tried telling him about how to talk with girls (as if he knew that much), Raph tried teaching him how to defend himself in case someone wants trouble with him, Donnie just started interrogating him about the party in question (which didn't lead anywhere), Splinter told him about stranger danger and Scumbug (in their own way) warned Mikey to be careful about what he eats or drinks in that party (and of course, he doesn't understand their language), Mikey doesn't pay much attention to anything that they were telling him, he was too busy imagining how fun that party was going to be, and he was convinced that everything would go smoothly, so he wasn't worried about a thing, he just sat there and nodded to everything his family said before walking away to his bedroom to dress up.

When the clock hit 7 pm, everyone came around to watch Mikey go out to his first human party by himself, he looked like a happy little pug, wearing a yellow t-shirt, shorts and a pair of sandals, he left to meet his friends at the meeting spot so they could head out to the party, and it was nothing like Michelangelo could have ever expected, it was a dark club covered in neon lights and cool music, there were a lot of people there, his other friend, Kellan, handed him a classic red plastic cup with soda and she warned him not to leave it alone or get his eyes off of it for too long, Mikey doesn't get why but he listens, or at least tries, minutes later, he leaves his cup in a random table and runs to the dance floor to drop some moves, and as he had the time of his life, a punk looking guy bumped into him and left a... gallon of milk?

Confused as for why would a teenager bring milk to a party, Michelangelo checks out the gallon bottle, maybe the guy was diabetic or something? That would explain why of all things, milk would be a good idea for a party drink, juice and soda had sugar so... in the end, Mikey got a bit thirsty and took a good chug of whatever was in that bottle, but judging by the taste alone, it was anything BUT milk, it was sweet and bitter at the same time, kinda tasted like kool-aid, but mixed with something else other than water, despite the taste not being so pleasant, Mikey felt the urge to drink more, and so he did, he took sip after sip without a care in the world, when some other people in the party noticed him, the started cheering him and chanting for him to chug down the whole thing, at this point, Mikey was feeling funny, he was a bit dizzy and his body was taking longer to respond, but he was happy, everything felt awesome and as he was cheered on by the chants of the crowd, he stood up on top of a table and chugged the entire drink down his throat in less than a minute.

Big mistake....

After his friends noticed he was missing they went around looking for him, Thomas, the friend who invited them all and was also a bit intoxicated, found Mikey hanging around, pretty much wasted, hardly being able to stand still, he was wobbling around like jelly and giggling like a child, worried that he would get in trouble for letting Mikey get to this state, he just drags him out of the party, gives him some spare change he has and tells Mikey to get a bus home before leaving the poor guy in the sidewalk and going back into the party club, when Thomas met their other friends, he told everyone Mikey had to go home earlier because his dad was calling, it was a lie, but no one batted an eye since this sort of thing actually happened before, sometimes when they would hang out with Michelangelo, his family would phonecall him and he would have to leave before expected, so everyone believed Thomas without much of a thought.

Meanwhile, Michelangelo was walking down the street all alone, confused but optimistic, he had no idea where he was going, but the billboards are just so shiny and colorful that it easily distracts him, he looks around in amaze, like if everything was something brand new to him, as he crossed the street without looking both ways, a speeding car has to abruptly hit the breaks to not run the boy over, but the car still hit him hard and he falls on the floor, shocked and trying to process what just happened, the driver doesn't even leave the vehicle to help, he just takes a turn and leaves Mikey on the road, he was a mess now, one of his slippers was missing, his clothes were dirty, he scrapped his leg and arm after he fell on the floor, the car that hit him was a Volkswagen and the image of the car's front bumper was stamped on his t-shirt, logo and everything, that bumper is probably not cleaned as often as it should.

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