Abandoned (2012)

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This will be a series of stories where mikey will become the last ronin, but sike! He doesn't actually, his brothers just dissapear for a long LONG time and when they come back, they'll face their little brother and explore the conditions he's been living on and the effects of their dissapearence on the world they once called home.

Oh no!!! I made him emo!!

Ok so, on with the story, one day, Mikey was out with Casey and Leo, Raph and Donnie are at home bored, until Renet comes for a visit, she was actually looking for Michaelangelo but she decides to stick around with his brothers instead, yadayadayada, they're traveling through time for fun, but Renet lets it slip something about "alternative universes" and the guys are dying to know more about it, specially Donatello, she's not allowed to travel so far off the main time-line she was assigned to but she takes the risk for the sake of having some fun with her friends, sadly though, her boss finds out about it and summons her to his office to scold her.

After seeing the only person who could get them out of that weird timespace pretty much being abducted and fading into thin air, the turtles are understandably freaking out, their bodies start to feel funny and they seem to age a little bit until they're also summoned to Renet's boss' office, where they learn that when Renet left, the time protector force she has got broken and strained from them, that's why they aged up and that also caused the time on earth was running wild like a free fall waterfall because Renet brough people from that world into timespace, so when her time protection was stripped from them, they aged, and their world aged with them, they had to send them back home immediatly to not cause more problems, since their absence caused far to many changes from the original line of events that was meant to happen, of course, all the blame will lay on Renet for being the one resposible for that accident.

After being sent straight home, they look around the main living room to see the house a bit changed, they know time has passed but they're not sure of just how long it's been, but the feels of the place already feel odd and unfamiliar than before, some little things are different, it all feels different and distant while they expected something recognizable and welcoming, but just as they were about to react any further, Michelangelo walks into the room, they watched that tall figure emerge out of what once was Donnie's lab, he was very menacing in looks, very taller than before, even taller than donnie, he had some a scar on his arm, his shell also seemed scarred from some damage they didn't know of, and he had a robotic prosthetic on his left leg, he was a bit hunched forward, rubbing his eye slowly, he seemed tired.

He wasn't really that scary, but he still had an dark and disturbed aura that didn't match him at all, it tickled their nerves down to their very cells and they froze in shock, not saying a word, Mikey almost walked away from not noticing their presence there, but he heard a shaky breath coming from behind him, he confusedly looked back to see his three long lost brothers, his response is similar to theirs, freezing in place silently as he looked them um and down.

🟠 - "Uhhh... Casey?"

⚫ - "Yeah?" He answered from another room.

🟠 - "I think I'm hallucinating, what do I do?"

This response snaps the turtles out of their jaw dropped state to a more confused and puzzled expression, Casey Jones walks into the scene and is quite notably shocked to find that the three turtles have returned.

⚫ - "... how did that happen?"

🟠 - "Oh, so you see them too, good.... good..."

He walks over to Casey, avoiding his brothers to gather his thoughts before he can bring himself to talking to them, it's a weird situation for him, his brothers were gone for so long, he never even knew if they were alive or not, and now... they were standing right in front of him, Casey ran towards the trio to greet them and welcome them back home but Mikey is too nervous to do anything so he just walks away heading to the kitchen, the brothers and Casey look back and see him leaving, Casey looks awkward about it and apologized on Mikey's behalf, saying he went through a lot these past years, the brothers pretend everything is fine and let Casey follow Mikey to maybe talk him into interacting with them.

I don't know what to put next in this part of the story so I'll just drop some plots I have for this au's lore.

*Shredder is dead.

*The Kraang were dealt with for good.

*Master Splinter never died.

*Mikey and Splinter had a fight not so long after the defeat of Shredder and they're still in bad terms to this day.

*Mikey also quit ninja training because of his fight with Splinter.

*Karai got the retromutagen and returned to being a human and she moved into the sewer Lair to live with father and brother.

*Casey also just moved in to be with Mikey (they're kinda like a couple now) since he had to leave his family.

*Casey's parents wanted to leave New York to get away from all the mess but Casey refused to leave his hometown, so they just left him there.

*April lives in the surface but comes over often to bring them stuff like food.

*Splinter is a bit weakened by his injuries from the fight with the Shredder, Karai nurses him.

*Mikey is the house keeper, and he adopted some hobbies that remind him of his brothers like crafting and meditating, even though... he can't meditate for too long.

*Mikey built his own prosthetic leg but he also likes to craft bombs, for no specific reason.

*Casey is job hunting but he finds it hard.

*Mikey's personality changed severely after 2 or 3 years, becoming a full grown man before the age of 20.

*Mikey holds some resentment towards his brothers for just dissapearing with no explanation and still trying to boss him around despite of him having his own independence now and barely having any respect for them.

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