Failed soldier harvest (2012)

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Michelangelo was captured by the Shredder, where he was tortured for weeks on end, but when none of that made him give Shredder the answers he wanted, he decided that instead of killing him off or using him as a hostage, he would use him for one of Baxter Stockman's newest plans, and the poor scientists had to go through with it despite his concerns about using a mutant's body for the experiment.

The experiment consisted of using a mixture of mutagen, Kraang DNA and some other stuff to create an infectious parasite virus that would consume the host and infect it's own DNA, the goal of this experiment is to basically use of the Kraang's asexual methods of reproduction to make a soldier farm, once the host's blood cells were infected and for some reason the blood exited the body, the cell would immediately multiply and create a body of it's own, and according to his calculations, a single drop of blood could already fabricate almost 10 soldiers in a row, it was brilliant.

Not so long later, Michelangelo started being experimented on like a lab rat, having that substance injected on him as he felt the gooey substance make it's way to his heart and then the rest of his body, this procedure was painful and was repeated three time a day, and so it went, again and again and again, after a few days, his skin began turning pink, white threads poked out of his head like some sort of hair, and his plastrol and shell became more malleable and flexible, almost like it was losing it's density, his insides felt awful, it was like his organs were being stirred and squished over and over in a non-stop cycle of nausea and pain, his head was fuzzy, memories becoming blurry, it was hell, like his life was slowly being drained out of him in a long process that he couldn't even see the end of.

Once the infection took over, Mikey was a husk of what he was before, he would just lay on the floor motionless for hours on end, he couldn't move, it hurt to be alive, if he even dared to move a single finger, there would be not enough pain killers in this world to help him cope with the shot of pain and agony that would flood his whole body, that's when Baxter realized, it was time to start the harvest, the way they're supposed to go about it was that they'd collect his blood with void suction as a way to make sure his blood wouldn't get in contact with the air and start forming before it should, and it should be taken in small quantities at a time to make sure the "fountain" wouldn't dry out, in this case, put Michelangelo in a condition that could threat his life, but Shredder ignored all of his instructions and warnings and decide to go about it his own way.

When Baxter Stockman arrived for the daily check up, he couldn't believe what he saw, Michelangelo, trapped in a cell behind a glass wall, chained to the ground as 6 long and thin tubes were being planted onto his back shell, the yubes lead to a machine connected to a concerningly big container, Shredder was standing in front of the glass as he watched the scene proceed, Stockman immediately ran to his boss and tried to reason with him as for why that method of extraction is way to dangerous and exaggerated since it was not only very likely to fail horribly, but it can also kill the experiment (Mikey) in a matter of minutes, but Shredder, as stubborn as he is, refused to listen, he had the procedure started and Baxter immediately knew what was probably going to happen, so he gets out of there as soon as he can, leaving Shredder and his inferiors behind to what was probably meant to be a very painful end.

And just as he had warned, as soon as the tubes sucked Mikey's blood out of his body, they were immediately clogged half way through, the pressure kept increasing, the blood became thicker, and in a blink of an eye, the whole thing exploded, Michelangelo's shell practically exploded from the insides out, his blood was scattered everywhere and in a matter of seconds, the splashes of blood burst into tentacles that quickly overwhelmed the cell Mikey was in, breaking through the glass and washing away everything and EVERYONE in it's way, each time a new set of tentacles emerged, more blood would splash everywhere and more fleshy tentacles came to be, that thing spread across the entire building like the plague, consequently killing all the unfortunate people who were there (except for Stockman and Karai that weren't there when it all happened), as for Michelangelo, the pain in his body was so severe that he passed out cold for almost 3 days straight.

When he woke up, everything was different, the chains that were binding him are now broken, he's free, he looks around and finds himself in a strange maze that looked like if he was in someone's insides, the floor, ceiling and walls were covered in this pink layer that feels an awful lot like warm raw chicken, it felt like touching someone's flesh, maybe even an organ, it was crazy, Mikey crawled out of the tiny room he was stuck in and found something even weirder, from beneath his shell, 6 new limbs grew out of his body, they looked like spider legs, it was cool and scary at the same time but he got used with using his six long legs to walk and move around, it was way easier and fun to walk around that way.

He got used with his new surroundings too, deciding to stay in his maze out of fear of what might happen if he leaves, worried that his family would disown him for the monster he had became and the lifes he had taken so brutally, but of course, it was then a matter of time until loneliness caught up to him and the isolation was a fate worst than death to him.

But in a funny coincidence of destiny, Mikey accidentally gets a cut in his arm, the blood drips down and it transforms into an octopus looking creature, which he decides to welcome into his life, almost like a child, it was blood of his blood after all, in a way, the entire maze was kind of like his child, it was alive, it obeyed to Mikey's every request and command, and cared for him through the big eyes that it had around the area, it was like if it wanted to watch over and protect Mikey from any harm, always attacking anything that didn't had Mikey's DNA on it, it was scary for Mikey to feel watched over at all the time, but he put up with it since he had no other choice than to comply in order to keep the organism at bay.

As time went by, Mikey started to make himself more companions through the creations out of his own blood, he learned a lot more about not only the nature of his infection, but also about himself, he reflected a lot about... well... his whole life, and the existential crisis really started to kick in, his existance was reduced to a blob that roams around the labyrinth he made himself, without any goal or destination, his life suddenly became shallow and insignificant, but he couldn't bring himself to end it, that was until the labyrinth felt new guests arriving, there were intruders in his fortress and Mikey didn't know what to do, but he decided to face the potential enemies head on, he goes to their location just to find his own brothers and friends.

Leonardo, Raphael, Karai, Donatello, April and even Splinter were all there, looking for him, he went weak in the limbs and fell to his knees before his family as they all ran to him and seemed Donnie seemed to hug him, and after they inspect him for a bit, they decide they have to try and help him, Donnie tried to inject a medicine into Mikey's neck that was given to them by Baxter Stockman, but what they didn't know was that the cure was meant to kill the experiment, Mikey recognized the smell oozing from the syringe and in a defensive move, threw Donnie onto the floor, causing the syringe to pinch the floor of the labyrinth, spreading the poison to the whole structure, the labyrinth started to die out as it seemed to scream in pain, Mikey was so shaken that his brothers had to literally drag him out of there before the entire building collapsed, now forcing Mikey to leave and return to his original home where his brothers will now try to figure out a cure for his infection, preferably one that won't kill him.

That's the end.

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