I'm still alive (2012)

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Government people find out about the existence of mutants and somehow capture Mikey while he was patrolling NY, he had just separated from his bros to check out the area for a bit until he was suddenly hit by a tranquilizer dart and passed out, he woke up on a huge lab with a bunch of doctors checking him out, they were doing all sorts of check ups, even some invasive ones, they were just relentless when it came to cataloging about a new found creature, no matter how painful, humiliating or scary this could be to a clueless boy they had just kidnapped "for science".

For weeks Mikey was treated like a rag doll, just being thrown around, handed from doctor to doctor and put through all sorts of nightmarish experiments he didn't even understand, no matter how much he screamed and begged for help, no one seemed to care, he tried talking to them, to let them know he was a conscious being that has feelings and feels pain, but no one even cared, no one batted an eye to his suffering, the despair started building up as the first month went by, the experiments started to get more "creative", the scientists wanted to look deeper into him, so they scheduled a dissection surgery with exploration purposes, which Mikey obviously didn't know about, all he knew was that he was stuck, not able to scape, left completely at the mercy of these horrible people that keep tearing him down then putting him back together just to tear him again later on, it was torture.

After the second month, Mikey started undergoing small surgeries, the doctors would cut through his rough skin and analyze things like his nervous system, bone structure, all in preparation and anticipation for the big reveal, his shell, they were planning to cut through it and see what was inside, and the day had finally arrived, Mikey knew something bad was about to happen, but he thought it was just another everyday procedure, poor him, he was anesthetized and put to rest, unaware of the big surgery that he was about to go through, they used saws and drills to invade his body once again, cutting through his shell just to take a look inside, those knowledge hugry maniacs didn't care about Michelangelo's well being at all, they handled him carelessly and nearly killed him multiple times during the investigation to find out about his anatomy.

In the end, a big accident happened, Mikey's brain was suddenly active again, but his body wasn't responding, the cut connection between the body and the mind were caught by the computers monitoring Michelangelo's state, but the confusing results lead to a mistake in the doctor's part, they assumed he was brain dead, and so, they simply finished the "exploration" and fixed Mikey up a little bit, but in order to continue their studies they decided to take apart the turtle's body and analyze it separately, and as they discussed the idea, Michelangelo's still conscious mind heard everything and panicked, they couldn't do this, he wasn't dead yet, why is no one trying to help him?

He really wanted to fight it, but his body was asleep, he couldn't move or react to anything, but Mikey could still feel everything, the doctors just barely used anything to sooth the pain when they started amputating Mikey's limbs bit by bit, joint by joint, and Mikey, unable to speak up, was left in this tormenting agony and pain, his mind echoed his screams as he felt everything that was happening, he could feel the scientists hands on his body, he felt the blades digging into his flesh, he felt chunks of his arms and legs being removed from his body against his will and the pain was just so excruciatingly high, he wanted scream, to cry, to let it all out, he could hear his mind screaming. 

"I'm still alive!!"

"You can't do this to me!!"

"I'm not dead yet!!"

"It hurts!!"

"Stop it!! please!"

After the amputation was over, the scientists were ready to either discart the torso or put it up for conservation in case they need it in the future, they couldn't quite pick on what to do about it until the body started moving, the bumps started shaking and the patient seemed to be waking up, this was a very disturbing sight to see, the specimen they had just believed to have killed suddenly coming back to life in some terrifying way, when Mikey opened his eyes again, all he saw was the blood spilled around him and the bumps that used to be connected to his limbs, and then suddenly, the pain hits, the realization of what happens hits, and to the doctor's dismay, Mikey freaked out and started screaming at the top of his weakened lungs in absolute horror and pain, the doctors had to knock him out again, but then they just threw him back into the cell they were keeping him in and just nursing him so he's kept clean and fed while making sure the dissection and amputation scars don't get infected.

Another month passes by, Mikey was mostly abbandoned and/or forgotten about by most of the scientists that were so enthusiastic about researching him, they left him alone in that cell, only coming to feed and clean after him, without a spec of love or care, the trauma of waking up after such horrible proceedment just to find his mutilated body missing some crucial parts still weights on him severely, he lost all hope of scaping, despair has consumed him mind as he was patiently waiting for his end.

It took a long time for him to recover, but whe he did, there was nothing left for the doctors to do with him, they were done with the studies and they found out everything they needed to know, so Michelangelo no longer had any use to them, and so, they decided to put the turtle out of it's misery by putting him down for good, the date was set, the preparations were made, but before the time came, the facility was invaded and destroyed, Michelangelo was rescued by his brothers and brought back home, his brothers were shaken after seeing Mikey's condition, he was limbless and abbandoned on the floor of a dirty room in the depts of the prision like area of the labs, they found Mikey laying on the ground, seeming half-dead when they arrived, the rushed him out of there and took him home.

Mikey got better after a while, Donnie even made him functional prostetics, it wasn't exactly the same and he took a long time to adapt, but it gave Mikey the ability to move around freely and do some of the bare basics to look after himself, he still needed help with a few things, though he was never the same, he became a lot more quiet and paranoid at certain situations, he refused to go outside most of the time, but if someone somehow convinced him to leave the Lair, Mikey would cling onto them for dear life until they arrived wherever they needed to go, and even when he was home, Michelangelo was still a bit distant, he stayed on the corners watching the others go about their days, if any of his brothers weren't in his sight of if he didn't know where they were, he'd get anxious, so his brothers did their best to always keep Mikey around one of them, trying to not leave him alone again.

Mikey still has nightmares of the things he went through, his brothers already caught him waking up in a total panic and yelling his lungs out, begging for his life and claiming to be alive, obviously having nightmares relating to when he had his limbs removed despite still being relatively awake, when this kind of thing happens, Leo, Raph and Donnie have to quickly comfort him for the sittuation not to get worse, but outside of that, Mikey is pretty fine.

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