Baked into life (2012)

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After an apocalypse happens, Mikey is left alone as one of the only survivors in the whole world, he has nothing but the a destroyed city and his own loneliness to keep him company, one day, he was rummaging the old sewer lair and finds Donatello's old mutagen tracker, that immediately turns on and detects dozen if not hundreds of mutagen vials all around town, with nothing better to do a a hunger for any purpose in life, Mikey sets off to collect as many vials as he can.

Later that day, he goes to the abbandoned theater that he now calls home, since it was the less damaged building in all of New York, he walks through the maze and goes to the back stage area where he built himself a living area, with a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, all the necessary, he collected about five mutagen vials already, so he decided to celebrate the occasion by baking a cake with the ingredients he heisted from the abbandoned supermarkets as supplies.

As he stirred the bowl of dough, he bumped his hip on the table and dropped one of the mutagen vials, just nearly grabbing it, but his grip was a bit too strong and it cracked the vial, he glass made a cut in his palm and the crack made some of the mutagen spill out, and just like that, a drop of Michelangelo's blood and a drop of mutagen fall onto the cake batter, shocked but nervous, Mikey simply mixes the two new ingredients onto the dough and puts it in the oven as if nothing had happened, that was until he brought the cake out, the cake suddenly grew little legs and arms and jumped off the tray, scaring the life out of Mikey, but also mesmerizing him as the little cake immediately began singing and dancing to it's creator in order to entertain him.

Mikey finds this experience very amusing as he comes to the conclusion that he could bring his pasteries to life if so he wishes to, and since the Isolation and loneliness were already taking a tool in his sanity, he decides to fill the void in his heart with living and talking food to replace the loss of the ones he once loved, and the next few months were entirely dedicated to creating this utopian of talking sweets, Mikey built machines that could bake his sweets faster and better, entire rooms of the theater were carefully renovated to become little villages and homes for the tiny candy people.

And so, Mikey's little empire kept growing as time went on, he started adding mutagen and his own blood into any on his culinary creations, from cakes to cupcakes, chocolate to candy bullets, basically anything he could make at home, he crafted long little corridors throughout the walls and halls so the candy people could move around the building more easily, it was fun to watch them run around the place and to see them hold hands and dance in a chain, those happy and goofy smiles brought a bit of joy to Mikey's life but nothing that could quite fill the gap of his family in his life, he kept increasing the amount of ovens and tools to keep creating more and more of those sweet citizens, hoping that maybe if he had more of them, his depression would go away.

That was until one day, a small portal is opened and from it, Leonardo, Raphael and Donatello walk out, they are soon met with the only building in their hometown that was still up, they enter the place with not much sure of what they're going to find, they scape a few traps as they make their way into the main area, where they find Michelangelo, in the middle of a cooking session with his little candy buddies, Mikey is shocked to see his brothers back, for years, he thought they had died a long time a ago, he welcomes his older bothers with a big hug, lifting them off the floor as he basically carried them away to the dinner table, forcing them to join him for dinner, not that they minded though, they were happy to see Mikey again, so they didn't notice some red flags he was showing, like the fact that he became pretty clingy and controlling of them and his candy people, it was odd, he'd stress over the idea of them leaving the building, he also got quite touchy with them, always holding one of them in some way, whether by holding hands, hugging or even wrapping his arm around theirs, they just saw these changes as Michelangelo missing them.

They weren't thinking much of it as they probably should, and that enabling caused Mikey to grow more and more obsessive as time went on, Leo was the first to start noticing the issues, he noticed how Mikey got anxious whenever one of them wasn't around, he saw how Mikey basically stalked them through the building at all times, and then Donatello started picking up on some bad signs too, he caught Michelangelo staring at him while he slept, those wide and numb baby blue eyes started haunting him in his dreams, but he decided to not say anything and see just what Mikey was up to when he thought no one was looking, and then he did something Donnie didn't saw coming, he plugged a needle on the back of Donnie's neck and collected a good amount of his blood before chuckling quietly and leaving the room, the same happened with Leo and Raph later that night, but the two were sound asleep and didn't noticed.

In the morning, Donnie told them what had happened and when they checked heir necks, they found the spot where the needle was planted, Raph was livid and wanted to get some answers out of Michelangelo, but when they found him, he was in the kitchen with three bowls with different kinds of sweets in it, he pulled out a small vial with mutagen and the three needles with his brothers' blood, he carefully added one sample for each of the bowls, as well as some food coloring, that's when he pulled out a vial of mutagen and added a drop of it in every bowl, they watched nervously as Mikey stirred the dough, he poured a light red dough into a tray and placed it inside the oven, the other bowl's content was collored light blue malleable and Mikey molded it into a humanoid shape before placing it inside the freezer, the last one was a bit more dense and creamy than the others, it was purple, and Mikey just placed it into the fridge without a single change.

After he was done, Mikey simply started to prepare breakfast for his brothers, who he thought were still asleep, his face looked worn out and tired, he really was going all out on whatever he was doing, but his brothers couldn't handle that whole situation any longer, and so, they snuck out of that house of madness, believing their little brother had lost his mind and became some kind of mad doctor frankenstein, meanwhile, Mikey finished making breakfast and served it on the table, he sat on his chair and patiently waited for his brothers to come, but they never did, hours went by and he went to check on the bedrooms, only to find out his brothers left him, again, this breaks him in a way that hurts more than any illness or injury could ever hurt, he was so glad to not be alone anymore, and yet, the only ones he had... abbandoned him without even saying goodbye, that heartbreak was going to kill him over time, so he decided to make it faster.

He built a machine that would drain all of his blood and make it into countless batches of sweet people, he refused to be alone again, the gap in his heart was too big to even comprehend, so he decided to leave this life and start over through his beloved creations, the three sweets he made from his brothers' blood became leaders, they were, a marshmallow of Leonardo, a shortcake version of Raphael and a mousse version of Donatello, the three were assigned to watch over the candy people once Michelangelo was gone, and after the machine was done, that's just what happened, Michelangelo sat there and allowed his life to be sucked out of him and stored in a tank for a mass production of sweet pasteries and stuff, it was painful but it ended tragically soon.

Once the small candy people began creating their own little kingdom and lifestyle without their creator, the resources were being brought in as much as they could, and for years on end, an endless cycle went around, the people lived short but fufilling lives before rotting and spoiling with time (basically their version of dying), the leaders would make their own heirs before decaying, the kingdom thrived and lived in complete peace for over ten years, until the ingredients ran out and they could no longer repopulate, and just like that, they all crumbled away with time and dissapeared, leaving a lifeless building with nothing but dead remains behind, in between the walls of that ruin, many stories were made, but none will be told.

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