A part of the movement (2012)

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The turtles meet a strange ally in space, an alien crew that lived inside their ship, apparently,  their home planet has been destroyed by the Kraang a long time ago, but Mikey gets a weird feeling about it, he knew this feeling, he felt it before, it's the same feeling he had about April's "mom", the feeling of a lurking imposter, like a monster hiding behind a mask, a wolf in sheep's clothing, Mikey had almost a sixth sense when it came to this sort of thing that he started developing after the betrayal from Bradford, he was specially suspicious of the Captain of that ship, Axiel Saikorl, he seemed like a nice guy, but maybe a bit too nice for his taste, his brothers dismissed Mikey's warnings and just treated him like a mad man.

Throughout their little tour visit, Leo and the others warn and apologize to Captain Axiel about Michelangelo's attitude, but he sees no problem, until the end of the tour when they were all assigned different rooms, as they drifted apart, no one could have known what was to come.

The next day, Mikey was acting oddly... normal?? He was very positive despite the fact he disliked the captain just a few hours ago, the captain explained that they had a serious talk in his room last night, that they fixed their differences and were ready to start new in a more positive light, it was a weird change of pace, but the turtle brothers were trying to overlook this since they had more important stuff to take care of in the moment.

They had to spend a few days, maybe a week and something, and throught this whole time Mikey started to be more and more distant, he was still the same, but it felt like he was disconnected from the rest of his brothers, but when they finally noticed it and tried to look into it, they were ambushed, attacked and then knocked out, the three of them were then captured and brought to a lab like room where they were going to be strapped to medical tables, but not before they received a visit from Captain Axiel and their baby brother, that visit revealed to them the reason why Michelangelo was so distant.

Mikey was brainwashed by the captain through many means, his mind and body were infected by something like a poison that was forced onto him through gas and liquid poison, and the affects of the poison were starting to appear physically, his skin had dark purpleish rashes starting to show and his eyes were really creepy to look at, his pupils were unhealthly dilated and reflected the light of the room like a cat's eyes, his expression was calm and a bit joyful, he had this dazed and gleeful closed lip smile and squinted eyes, like an amused predator watching it's prey.

Mikey was holding three huge syringes containing the same poison he was infected by, the captain wanted to make him infect his own brothers for his own sick fun, ever since he infected Michelangelo, he's been having his way with him, forcing him to work, filling his head with all kinds of horrible things about his brothers, sending him further down the spiral, leaving his brain more available and vulnerable to the poison, he was in the edge of a deep end, one that wouldn't be fixed easily as long as the poison was active and inside of him.

By a stretch of a miracle, they manged to scape the alien ship and take Mikey with them back home, where they were able to treat him and extract all the poison from his system, it was a long recovery, but Mikey gladly healed, all that was left was a few scars from the rashes, thankfully.

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