A Web of Puppets (2012)

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Mikey was kidnapped by the Shredder and imprisioned in Japan, below a big traditional house in the middle of the open fields, a small dungeon like space was set up, Mikey was chained up and a tortured for many weeks, nearly months, where he was forced into obedience and submission before being left to die as Shredder went back to New York to "take care ofsome business", leaving Michelangelo in a deprivable state, mentally, emotionally, you name it, that cruel monster really just abbandoned a shattered soul alone on purpose so that he would die of starvation or something.

During his time locked inside that mansion, Mikey was close to completelly losing his sense of self, so in fear of forgetting his identity, he found himself a few sheets of paper and made somethinglike a diary, where he wrote about everything he still knew about himself, his name, his family and friends, his experience under captive, but not much.

The things he wrote about himself, it was just his name, his position as the younger brother, and what he remembered of his personality before getting conditioned into the facade of a voiceless servant, like his cheerfulness and unconditional love towards his family and friends, he writes about his wish that everyone he knows could just be like a big happy family, including his talent for cooking that could use some improving, as for what he documented about his family and friends, he wrote a deep description of them, what they were like, what they looked like, how he viewed them as, and most importantly, who they were.

Days kept going by, and he felt the isolation getting to him, also hunger, the house had current water flowing but food was limited and he was quickly running out it, he knew he couldn't just go out to get more, he was forbidden to leave, and he knew humans weren't going to take his appearance kindly, it could be a death sentence right away, the risk was too much to take, so he couldn't scape, even if he found a way how, since each and every entrance or exit was either locked or tightly blocked with furniture that Mikey had no strenght to move at that time.

The days turned into weeks and Michelangelo was slowly going insane, his mind was slipping away, it was terrifying, but his brain was too numb to actually react, and as he suffered, someone watched over him in heaven, a kind woman's soul, Tang Shen, Splinter's deceased wife, she watched over the family her husband build and was heartbroken to see them suffering, specially Michelangelo, she saw him being tortured, starved, subdued and abbandoned, by Saki, the man she once loved, the brother of her husband, she nearly left Splinter at one point to leave with him, but she refused, since then, Saki had became more of a monster than ever, commiting mistake after mistake while burning the bridges to return to his senses.

She was fed up with all the evil her brother-in-law was causing, first, he killed her, then raised her daughter on his devilish ways, not to mention the many times he tried to destroy the entire world, and now... he was heartless enough to torment the poor and pure soul of a defenseless teenager, just so in the end he would leave the turtle to rot and die alone, the heartache she felt was too much to bare and she prayed for Michelangelo, shedding tears as she did so, her sadness caused a heavy rain to pour down, the heavens heard her plea, as one of her tear streamed down her cheek, it fell onto the mortal realm in the form of a shiny and blessed rain drop, the tear fell near the house where Michelangelo was being kept in, right on top of a small mushroom, it's blessed properties made it grow into a large bush of purpleish glowy mushrooms.

The bush let out a sweet perfume that made it's way to the main house, it was a matter of minutes before Michelangelo caught up to the scent, it smelled so good that it was enough to make his stomach rumble, reminding him of his immense hunger, he curled up into a ball in agony and picked up the bit of strenght he still had to move forward, he arrived to the door to the backyard, it was where the perfume was coming from, he saw that the door was locked, but there was nothing on the way, he thought to himself a bit before acting out, but the despair of hunger was stronger and he went on with whatever the first idea he could come up with during his panic, so he backed off as much as he could and ran into the door as hard as possible.

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