Melting away (2012)

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After being hit by a strange substance during a mission, Mikey goes to Donnie for help, but they both end up trapped in a room with no phone signal, meaning thy can't contact the others, Mikey's body soon starts reacting to the mutagen like ooze, his body starts growing dark spots that spread quickly, as they grow bigger and bigger, his body starts turning gooey and soon starts to drip away like melted wax, Mikey was getting dizzy and confused by what was happening to him, but the fever state he was in made him numb to mostly everything, he was surprisingly cool with the sittuation, unlike Donatello, who's freaking out, not knowing what to do, he just tries to scream for help, but as much as he tries the more his tears flood his eyes, his voice is getting wobbly and his panic won't let him stop, he's scared for his brother's life and there's nothing he can do about it, eventually, he falls on his knees and brings his knees to his chest as he curls up and cries in fear, Michelangelo, watching his brother's dismay, decides to try and help.

"Hey, bro.... what's wrong?"

"Mikey, I-I'm sorry!! I don't *sniff* I can't *sniff* I don't know how to fix this! I have nothing on me! And you're... I... I think I'm gonna throw up."

"Hey, bro... don't be like that, I'm alright. It doesn't hurt at all... I can't... feel... anything... woah... this is weird."


Michelangelo's body collapsed onto the floor, going completely limp, his bones were probably being affected as well, preventing him from sustaining his own weight, Donnie rushed in to catch him before any further damage could be caused.

"Mikey!! Mike! Are you still with me?!"

"Forever and always, D. ..."

"Ok! Ok... I need to find a way out of here for_"

"Can you... give me a hug?...."


"The floor is so cold... I'm tired, dude."

"No... no no nO NO NO NO NO!!!!! Mikey!! Just hang on, don't go yet, please! PLEASE, MIKEY!!!"

"Dude... chill... I'm fine..."

"YOU'RE. NOT. FINE. You need help!"

"You won't leave me here... will you?"

"Mikey, I have to! I can't help you by just... SITTING HERE and not do anything!!"

"But... you'll be here for me... isn't... that enough?"

"I have to go, please! It's for your own sake. Just stay still, I think I can get some signal if I climb that broken wall over there."

Donnie carefully placed Mikey on the floor and ran to the wall nearby, desperate for a shot on saving Mikey, but ignoring him and he called his name.

"Donnie... wait... please, come back... I don't wanna be alone... I hate being alone... just tell me what's going on... I'll fix it... just please... don't leave me here..."

Donnie heard his brothers pleas, he froze, stopped in his tracks between the broken wall and his dying brother, his heart sank as he had to make a decision, he could hear how his baby brother was crying out for him.

"Donnie... please... if I'm going to die... can you atleast sit by my side?... I don't wanna die alone..."


"I'm not sure what's going on, Donatello... but you're starting to scare me... I don't wanna die... not again... not like this... I don't care if you can't do anything... I just wanna be with my family..."

".... I..."

"Brother, please.... it's getting hard to stay awake... can you atleast hold my hand?"

After a moment of reflection, Donnie stepped away from the wall and walked towards his helpless brother, picking him up from the ground and cradling him in his arms, he hugged his brother tightly, bringing a hint of joy to his face, Donnie sat down with his legs crossed to better accommodate Michelangelo and keep him off the cold floor, the smile in his face as he looked up to his big brother was unforgettable, Donnie was speechless, not knowing what to say or where to even start, but to his luck, Mikey decided to do all the talking.

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