Chapter 2: The Students of CHS

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As Kevin left the principal's office, he looked down at the schedule in his hand, muttering to himself as his fingers went down the piece of paper.

"So, I guess I have English as my first class. That's... down that hallway, I think?" he questioned himself, looking around the hallways as he watched most of the other students filing into their respective classes. Still feeling that nervousness from earlier in the day, Kevin folded his schedule up and looked around. "But maybe I can do a little bit of self touring beforehand. Just to make sure I know where everything is!" Once he successfully convinced himself to skip his first class on his first day of school, he was off.

However, he didn't get a few steps into his journey until he stopped.

Was that... a bunny? On the ground, in the main foyer of the school, a fluffy white bunny was hopping along, seemingly completely lost in the halls of the school. Not wanting this bunny to get hurt or anything like that, Kevin crouched down next to the animal and spoke to it. "Hey there, little guy. What are you doing in the school?" He picked the bunny up and held it in his arm, using his other hand to pet its head. Then, from down the hallway, Kevin heard a quiet, female voice travel down.

"Angel? Angel? Where are you?" the voice called down, followed by the scampering of shoes against the tiled floor of the school. Curious, Kevin stepped out into view so that he could get a better look at the girl.

She had custard yellow skin and long, pink hair accented with a butterfly clip. She wore a white tank top along with a large, green skirt also designed with butterflies. She also wore a pair of green boots with pink socks and white polka dots. It took a moment of looking around for her to realize that Kevin was in front of her, making her cheeks turn red as she stared up at him.

"Oh... my..." were the only words she was able to get out of her mouth at the time, only leaving her mouth in a whisper. Her eyes drifted again to his arm, noticing the white bunny he was holding. She got a bit more vocal at that discovery. "Ah! Angel!" Sensing some familiarity, Kevin stepped over and held the bunny out to the girl.

"Is this your bunny, miss?" he asked, the bunny in his hands for only a few seconds before it seemingly teleported into the girl's arms. She snuggled against the animal.

"Oh, Angel, I'm so glad you're safe!" She exclaimed, holding the bunny carefully before looking back at Kevin. "Thank you, uh..." The conversation held in the air as the girl seemingly searched for something. "I-I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, b-but uh... are you new here?"

Kevin only smiled in response. "Oh, it's not rude at all! You're just being curious!" He held out a hand to the girl. "My name's Kevin Trident."

"Th-That's a pretty name," the girl absentmindedly said, causing the both of them to blush, though the girl much more so. She immediately went into a storm of apologizing as Kevin just pulled the brim of his hat down to hide his face momentarily.

"Heh heh, thanks. What's your name?" The question seemingly snapped the girl out of her stupor before she looked down and answered.

"M-My name's... Fluttershy." Her voice was barely above a peep, but Kevin still smiled in kind.

"It's nice to meet you, Fluttershy." The response seemed to shock Fluttershy, looking up at him with her eyes slightly wider than before.

"Y-You can hear me?" she asked bewildered. Kevin laughed in response, getting down closer to Fluttershy's eye level and whispering back to her.

"I've got really good hearing," he said. The two looked at each other for a moment before giggling at the situation they found themselves in. Once the laughter had died down, Flutterhsy spoke again.

The Heroes of CHS: Between Worlds [HIATUS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora