Chapter 9: All's Well That Ends Well

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Contains: Explicit language

By this point in the evening, the rest of the student body, along with Twilight and her friends, had gone back inside to enjoy the Fall Formal. Or at least what was left of it, considering there was a giant hole in the front of the school. The only ones who remained outside were Kevin and Sunset. They stood in the courtyard facing one another.

"C'mon, over here." Kevin led Sunset to the stairs leading up to the school, sitting down with her.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Sunset asked. She wouldn't look Kevin in the eyes, opting to stare at the ground.

"When you were transformed, you mentioned that you didn't have a good life in Equestria. Is that true?" Kevin asked. Sunset made an indignant face at Kevin, offended that he would outwardly ask such a question before her face softened and she sighed.

"Yeah, it is. I didn't have an easy life back in Equestria. And I guess Twilight told you everything that I did there, too. Like stealing her crown and stuff."

Kevin frowned. Sunset looked so defeated and upset - nothing like the cocky girl that she was just a few hours ago. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"What?" Sunset looked up at Kevin, a bit startled. "Really? You want to listen to me?"

"Yes." Kevin nodded. "I want to hear your story. If you're willing, that is."

"Okay, if you say so." Sunset took a deep breath before she began to speak. "So, in Equestria, I'm a unicorn. I was born into a wealthy family that was very noble. It sounds great, right? And it probably should be great, but my parents weren't. My parents were very neglectful."

"Go on.." Kevin frowned.

"My parents never really cared for me unless I did something that impressed them. To them, I guess I was just an accessory. Something to stand there and look pretty. I had a lot of time by myself, and I studied magic all the time. It turns out I have a natural talent for using magic, so much so that Princess Celestia herself took me on as her student long before Twilight came into the picture. For the first time in my whole life, it seemed like my parents were actually proud of me. That I did something right." Sunset had a bitter smile on her face. There was no joy in it. "I thought things would get better and they'd finally love me, treat me like their daughter. Turns out I was wrong, and they started to use me to get closer to the Princess." Sunset explained. Kevin's expression turned to a glare, angry that someone could do that to their own child.

"So, they were using you?" Kevin asked.

"I guess so. I could never really make any friends, either. Some students found me scary, and others were jealous that I was Princess Celestia's personal student, so they never wanted anything to do with me. I was a lonely outcast with no friends and parents who didn't like me." Sunset was starting to tear up again. Kevin put a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh, Sunset ..." He felt terrible for her! She had been through so much in Equestria. It didn't excuse her actions - she still did awful things and hurt people's feelings, but he was starting to get to know the reason behind it all. Kevin fell silent as he waited for Sunset to continue.

"A-Anyways, I decided that I should act like my parents if I wanted people to like me. After all, plenty of others liked them, right? So I put on this stuck up and vain act, so much so that it became part of who I was. Soon, I felt like I was better than everyone else because I didn't need to rely on other people to get what I wanted. I was stronger than them, right? Deep down, though, I always longed for someone to break down my walls and become my friend. I wanted the other students to stop isolating me, and actually get to know me. All I really wanted was a friend, I guess..." Sunset trailed off, a distant look in her eyes, before she shook her head and kept going. "One day during my lessons with Princess Celestia, I found the Crystal Mirror. When I looked into it, I saw myself as an alicorn."

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