Chapter 3: A New Student

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Two weeks had passed since Kevin Trident first arrived at CHS, and he was really getting into agroove. Sure, there was always the occasional weird occurrence that happened in the day, but he was finally able to get into some semblance of a routine. He was pretty well liked amongst the student body, and there were even rumors that some people had crushes on him! He doubted it, but it was still fun to imagine nonetheless.

Right now, Kevin was outside on the steps of the front entrance, getting some fresh air. Sometimes the hustle and bustle of the school was all a bit much for him. However, before he really relax on his own, the marble base of the statue outside the school began to... glow? But that can't be the case, right? His eyes were probably just playing tricks on him. Before he could come up with some reasonable explanation, a girl suddenly appeared from the statue!

She had violet hair with a pink highlight running down like a racing stripe and lavender colored skin. She wore a light blue shirt with black buttons and a pink ribbon, a purple skirt with what seemed like a North Star design on the side, and a pair of black boots with purple and pink leg warmers over them. Her purple eyes seemed to boggle around her head as she recovered from what seemed like phasing through the statue. Soon after the arrival of the girl, another thing came from the statue, this time a dog with purple and green fur. It also had green eyes and a spiked collar with a heart design. Was it him or did all the girls here wear huge boots?

The girl groaned as she held her head and opened her eyes, trying to get her bearings as the dog walked over to her.

"Uh, Twilight?"

"Spike?! You're not supposed to... Spike? Are you... a dog?" the girl asked, causing the dog to spin around to get a better look at itself.

"I think so, but I have no idea what you are!" The girl, who Kevin gathered went by Twilight, lifted her arms up in front of her face to see her hands. Once she took in the information, she let out a loud scream. Kevin winced at the volume as he watched her take inventory of the rest of her body in a panicked state. He stared at this scene for a moment before coming to the decision that he should probably help her out.

As Kevin made his way over to Twilight, she was beginning to hyperventilate.

"What... does the rest of me look like?" she asked the dog, who looked over her and tilted his head slightly.

"It's you... only not you. Your muzzle's really small."

"My muzzle?!" she exclaimed, touching her nose to confirm what Spike had said. She inhaled deeply, ready to scream again, but was stopped when Spike put a paw against her mouth, silencing her.

"Are you gonna scream again?" Spike asks, receiving a sad shake of the head from Twilight before he gets back down on the ground.

"Uh, I'm sorry if I'm interrupting, but are you two okay?" Twilight and Spike both looked up at Kevin Trident as he stood over them, with Twilight's face turned a deep shade of red. Oh woah, hot guy, Twilight thought to herself before shaking that thought out of her head. Her mouth hung open as she searched for the words to say before she eventually spoke.

"Uh... hi?" Confused, Kevin gave a half-hearted wave.

"Hi. I take it you two aren't from here, considering you both came out of the statue. Speaking of, how did you do that?" Twilight and Spike exchanged nervous looks at Kevin's question, unsure of how to answer.

"It's... a long story," Twilight said simply, offering a nervous smile. Kevin stared at the statue, then to Spike, then to Twilight, then back at the statue. He placed a hand on his chin before he moved it to his hip.

"You guys are from another world, aren't you?" Twilight and Spike stared in shock at Kevin's deduction powers. How did he figure that out? Twilight simply had to know!

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