Chapter 6: Rallying Ahead

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Once the school day had ended, the girls plus Kevin had decided that they had to come up with a real strategy to help Twilight win that crown. After much debate as to where they would be meeting up, they finally decided on the Sweet Shoppe. It was a little family owned diner on the corner street that also has a slight focus on sweet treats, run by Mr. and Mrs. Cake. It was influenced mostly by the fact that Pinkie Pie also worked there and she got discounts when she brought new customers in.

The group sat by the counter, waiting on the drinks they had ordered.

"Thanks again for buying my drink, Kevin." Twilight said.

"No problem!" Kevin smiled at her. Mrs. Cake walked over with a tray of drinks, setting it down and passing them out to Kevin and his friends.

"Here you are!" She said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mrs. Cake!" Kevin took his drink, and as the group got up to go find a table, Kevin saw Flash Sentry walking in the door. "Flash, hey!"

"Hey, Kevin!" The two fist bumped. Flash noticed Twilight was with him, and he waved at her. "Oh, your name is Twilight, isn't it?"

"That's right," Twilight nodded, smiling. "And yes, I am running for princess against Sunset Shimmer." She added, predicting the next question.

"Ahaha," Flash laughed nervously. "You must be getting that question a lot. Anyways, I'm impressed with you guys. I'm sure she would have made you drop out by now."

"She's certainly been trying," Kevin sighed. "We've caught Snips and Snails twice now trying to get dirt on Twilight, but we stopped them."

"That's good. You must be pretty sharp to catch onto Sunset's tricks." Flash said. While it was true that Kevin had a sense for this kind of thing, there was a reason he began trying to work on developing said sense.

"It's not the first time I've dealt with a jealous bully," Kevin said. Back at his old school in Manhattan, Kevin made himself an enemy out of the biggest bully there. Kevin refused to become one of his victims, so the bully tried every trick in the book. Blackmailing him, framing him for things he didn't do, and trying anything to get something embarrassing on Kevin, but his plans failed every time. Eventually he got so fed up that he got physical. He confronted Kevin one day and started a fight. Kevin had no choice but to defend himself until the principal arrived. The bully got expelled for all the things he had done to Kevin and the other students.

"So, Twilight, how do you plan on getting the other students to vote for you?" Flash asked. She frowned slightly, as she didn't really have any concrete plan in mind. That's why they were all here in the first place.

"Well, I suppose we just need to convince the school to not vote for Sunset Shimmer." Twilight answered. While she was technically right, there wasn't much behind it.

"Yeah, we've gotten a few other students who said they would vote for her. The problem is just convincing everyone else to do the same," Kevin elaborated.

"Ah, gotcha. And I take it you're helping her out then, Kevin?"

"Yep, but it's not just me. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Applejack are helping out too." Flash looked over to the table, just realizing that all the girls were talking together and generally happy.

"Wait, aren't they, like, not friends anymore?" He pointed over to the table with a confused look.

"Well, it turns out that Sunset Shimmer was responsible for sabotaging their friendships to get popular. Luckily, Twilight and I were able to show them the truth and help them mend their friendship back to what it was before," Kevin explained.

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