Chapter 5: Rekindled Friendships

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Twilight let out a yawn as morning light hit her face. She sat up and stretched, looking around the room she was in. Wait, that's right! She stayed over at Kevin's place after an exhausting day at high school. Spike was still curled up beside her, and she patted his head, waking the little dragon turned dog up.

"Good morning, Spike," Twilight said, yawning again.

"Mornin'!" Spike chirped, hopping down from the couch.

Twilight pushed the blanket she had been given off of her, folding it up and setting it neatly on the couch. "I wonder where Kevin is."

"Let's go find him!" Spike said.

"We will. First, I need a shower." Twilight started to get up, but it felt like she had forgotten how to use legs overnight. She let out a yelp as she tripped, face planting into the carpet. She glared at Spike as he snickered. Twilight used the couch to stand up, a lot more slowly this time, and she stabilized before heading to the bathroom. Kevin said she could use whatever she needed, so she got a towel from the shelf and started the shower. Kevin had shown her how to use it last night, and it was thankfully similar to the ones in Equestria, so she had little trouble washing up. After getting dressed, Twilight and Spike headed into the kitchen, where Kevin's mother was sitting. She was drinking some coffee and snacking on some fruit. Rose smiled and waved at the two.

"Good morning, Twilight, Spike! I hope you slept well."

"We did, thank you." Twilight nodded her head. "Is Kevin awake yet?"

"He is," Rose nodded. "He's doing his morning exercises upstairs. It's time he came downstairs for breakfast, so could you get him for me?"

"Of course! C'mon, Spike." Twilight headed upstairs. She looked around, a little puzzled while trying to remember where everything was, but she followed the sound of muffled shouting. She opened the door the sound was coming from, finding a large gymnasium fitted with all kinds of equipment. Treadmills, exercise bikes, weights, dumbbells, anything a gym nut could ask for. In the middle of the room, Kevin was going at it on a punching bag, slamming into it with all his might. Twilight and Spike watched for a couple minutes, amazed by what they were seeing.

"He's really good!" Spike said.

"He's super strong. Even Applejack might have trouble keeping up!" Twilight added.

Kevin heard their voices, and he stopped his training to greet his friends. He smiled as he jogged over to the two. "Hey, good morning, guys!"

"Morning." Twilight smiled back. "How's your training going?"

"Really well!" Kevin said, proudly. "I did twenty more pounds than usual on my weights!"

"Cool!" Spike said, though he wasn't quite sure what it meant. "Hey, your mom wants you downstairs for breakfast."

"Oh, okay." Kevin set his boxing gloves aside. "You guys can wait in the kitchen, I've gotta shower." The three parted ways, Kevin headed for the bathroom, while Twilight and Spike went back downstairs to the kitchen.


Kevin met Twilight in the kitchen after his shower. She was talking with his mother, and the two of them seemed to be getting along very well. Kevin smiled, pleased that they were enjoying each other's company.

"G'morning, mom." Kevin said, catching the attention of Twilight.

"Morning, sweetie." Rose smiled at her son.

"Twilight, want some cereal?" Kevin offered. Twilight gave him a confused look, and Kevin realized that she probably had no idea what that was. "Uh, it's...okay, it's hard to explain, but it's like, sugar mixed with wheat and stuff? And it's crunchy?" Twilight then slowly nodded. She at least knew what wheat was. Kevin grabbed three bowls and the cereal box from the cabinet, laying them out on the counter. Twilight walked over to get a look at what they were eating.

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