Chapter 19: Love's Blossom

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As Kevin slept with Sunset, deep into the night, he began to stir. He groaned slightly as his eyes fluttered open. Instead of being met with the ceiling of his bedroom or the warmth of his girlfriend's arms, he was met with a deep, infinite void. He floated in his void, unsure of what was going on. He looked around, looking for some kind of answer to come before a bright light shone in the darkness. Kevin shielded his eyes from the light before it dimmed slightly and showed its form: a glowing sphere of pale, yellow light.

"Greetings, Kevin Trident. My name is Harmony," the figure said, though they didn't seem to move. In fact, whenever sound came from the sphere, its light brightened just slightly. Kevin squinted for a moment before realizing he had heard this voice before! It was the voice he heard during the Fall Formal!

"Wait, it's you!" he cried out.

"Mmm... indeed. I have come to you once before, though my power was much weaker then. It is through your devotion to peace and friendship that I am given form," Harmony explained.

"Ooooh, I get it! Well, why are you talking to me now?" Kevin asked. There was a beat of silence before Harmony spoke again.

"Kevin Trident, I wanted to congratulate you on your new relationship. Though, I must ask... Do you desire more?" Kevin raised an eyebrow in confusion.


"Yes. You see, as much as you desire to keep those you love safe, you cannot put yourself in harm's way all of the time. I desire to make you stronger, to make your friendships stronger."

"Make me stronger? But how? And why?" Kevin asked. Harmony's offer was both strange, yet intriguing. Kevin wasn't sure what to make of it just yet.

"It is as I said - I am made stronger through peace and friendship. Now that I have my own form, I am able to assist you and your friends in many new ways." Harmony explained. "But I need you to help me. I can't do it alone. It is through you and your powers that we will be able to protect this world, and the people within it."

Kevin gasped - protect the world? Well, since they were dealing with Equestrian threats, Kevin did know that his world needed protection now more than ever. Harmony seemed to be like a guardian angel. Kevin didn't know why, but he trusted her.

"Okay, Harmony, let's do it." Kevin said. "If I can protect my friends with your help, then I don't see why we shouldn't work together!"

"Wonderful. Thank you, Kevin. It means everything to me." Harmony said. "I must let you go now, but I will be in touch soon." Before Kevin could react, he was blinded by a warm light, and the world went dark.

This darkness soon faded once again, as Kevin awoke from the rays of the morning sun cascading onto his face. He groaned once again, this time in the waking world, as his eyes slowly opened to his room. He went to rub his eyes, only to be held down by some weight. He looked down to see Sunset resting her head against his chest. Ah, right. They confessed to each other yesterday. His cheeks went red thinking about it, but he didn't have long to ruminate on that.

Soon enough, Sunset moaned awake as well, doing a mini stretch as she also went through the motions of remembering the previous day. She looked up at Kevin with a slight blush and a full smile.

"Good morning, Kevin."

"Good morning to you too." They both leaned towards each other and kissed. Sunset hummed tiredly.

"Thanks for offering to let me sleep here."

"Any time. Besides, it was nice sleeping beside someone for a change." He smiled down at Sunset before swinging his legs over the side of the bed. "Alright, time for some breakfas-" Kevin began, stopping himself as Sunset grabbed his arm in a bid to keep him in bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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