Chapter 12: Better Than Ever

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Content warnings: Violence, mentions of transphobia

Our scene begins a few weeks in the past, on the night of the Fall Formal. In a 24 hour cafe, angry patrons were shouting at each other, arguing with the staff, and overall making a real ruckus. They were oblivious to the green mist floating around them, too caught up in their own issues to hear the soft voices of three girls seated in the back corner. The girls harmonized their voices, absorbing the green mist into the red jewels that they wore around their necks.

"Ugh," One of them scoffed, pulling down her hood. "That was barely worth any of the effort, Adagio. I'm tired of fast food, I need a meal!"

Aria Blaze was a girl with light pink skin and dark purple hair, complemented with teal streaks. She had two long pigtails, held back by large silver star shaped pins. Right now, she was wearing a simple green hoodie. She had tired purple eyes.

"Can it, Aria," The second girl, Adagio, also took down her hood. "You know the energy in this world isn't the same as it was in Equestria. We can't gain as much power here."

Adagio Dazzle was a girl with yellow skin and curly golden hair. It was tied back into a ponytail by a purple spiked hair pin. Her ponytail had lighter gold streaks. Her pink eyes were narrowed in both irritation and boredom. She had on a purple hoodie.

"Ugh! I wish we'd never been banished to this awful place!" Aria scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Really?!" Adagio faked a smile. "I love it here!" Her smile quickly faded back to a scowl. The third girl opened her mouth, but Adagio cut her off before she could say anything. "I was being sarcastic, Sonata."

"Hmph, well, I was still gonna say I think this place is the worst!" Sonata Dusk was a girl with light blue skin and red eyes. She had straight, ocean blue hair with navy streaks running through it. Sonata was wearing a red hoodie with navy accents.

"I think you're the worst, Sonata," Aria quipped. Sonata turned to her with a glare.

"Oh yeah? Well I think that you're-!"

"Uuuuggghhhh!" Adagio groaned, rolling her eyes. "I'll tell you one thing, listening to you two argue like that isn't making this world any more bearable!" Adagio leaned back in her seat after quieting her two bandmates, heaving an angry sigh. This was going nowhere. How in the world were they going to complete their goals of vengeance if this world had literally nothing to offer them?! Sitting in cafes and feeding off angry customers, overworked employees, and random mishaps of the day just wasn't cutting it anymore.

Suddenly, thick clouds rolled in the distance, catching Adagio's attention. She glanced out the window to see a pillar of light that lit up the cafe with a rainbow of color. Her pendant sparkled deep red. Adagio gasped and ran outside, barely giving her friends time to catch up. The light formed into a giant rainbow that flew through the sky, hitting something, before ricocheting off into the clouds, disappearing into shimmering sparkles. Sonata and Aria had joined her at that point, and Adagio turned to them with a wicked grin.

"Did you see that?! It's Equestrian magic!"

"I did," Aria said, "But it's not possible. This world doesn't have Equestrian magic." Aria frowned, looking skeptical.

"It has to, though!" Sonata cut in, "I felt it! I felt it in my soul!"

"Sonata's right. Somehow, this world has magic now. And we're going to use it to make everyone on this pathetic little planet adore us." Adagio's eyes glinted dangerously, her smirk widening into something sinister. "Come on. Let's go find out where it came from."

"It was in the direction of that school. Canterlot High," Aria said. "We should start there." Aria and Adagio began to run down the street. Sonata nearly tripped over her untied shoelaces, lagging behind the other two. She stumbled past an alleyway, where she happened to hear a muffled noise.

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