Chapter 10: A Weekend with the Girls

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(A/N: Hey guys! Star and Apollo here! Sorry for how long this chapter took to come out! We've both been a lil busy and distracted, but now it's here! Hopefully, there isn't another giant gap like that again (although, knowing us, there is a chance it'll happen again). In any case, please enjoy!)

A few days had passed since the events of the Fall Formal, and things were starting to go back to normal again. Kevin and his friends were met with many questions about the magic and what happened with Sunset Shimmer, so Kevin did his best to explain. Kevin, having revealed some of his powers at the Fall Formal, decided to come clean about all of his magic and the existence of magical powers in their seemingly normal world. He explained a little bit about Equestria, deciding not to go into too much detail. The students seemed to have a difficult time accepting there was real magic in the world, so an alternate dimension may be a little too much at the moment.

Speaking of Equestria, Sunset came back to school and started to try to make up for the things she had done. Sunset apologized to the students she tormented and told them she was trying to become a better person. Like Kevin had said, it wasn't going to be easy. Some of the students were skeptical about her change, but Sunset was determined to prove herself. Kevin offered to help her explain that she was under the control of dark forces, but Sunset refused to use it as an excuse. She wanted to prove that she was going to change, and it was up to the students to decide whether they forgave her or not.

Some people who trusted Kevin decided to give Sunset a second chance. Sunset offered to help with community work around the school to connect with her fellow students. The girls were there to assist Sunset every step of the way so she could learn more about friendship. Slowly, Sunset felt the void in her heart start to ebb away. It wasn't going to go away so soon, but she had people who truly cared about her now, and that was truly all that she ever wanted.

    Kevin, however, was growing more and more popular with the reveal of his magic. Some of the more selfish students tried to get close to him to learn more about his powers, but Kevin wouldn't let them. And not only that, the other girls were gaining popularity, too! They were recognized for their efforts to save CHS during the Fall Formal. All in all, things seemed like they were going in a positive direction for everyone. But as they say, there's no rest for the wicked; Kevin and his friends had plenty more adventures coming their way.

    It was Thursday afternoon when Kevin and the girls decided to spend their time after school at the Sweet Shoppe, discussing their plans for the following days.

    "What're you guys up to this weekend?" Kevin asked.

    "The new Daring Do book is coming out this Saturday!" Rainbow Dash cried excitedly.

    "No way!" Kevin gasped. "I love that series! The Fang of Destiny is coming out already?! I've been waiting forever!"

    "I know, right?!" Rainbow Dash's grin grew wider. "Listen to this! The author, A.K. Yearling is doing a book signing on release day! And she's coming here, to Canterlot!"

    "For real?!" Kevin was buzzing with excitement! "A.K. Yearling is coming here?!"

    "She sure is! Say, Kevin, wanna come with me to the signing?"

    "Now hold on right there, Rainbow Dash," Applejack said, cutting off the conversation. "I was gonna ask Kevin if he wanted to taste my family's new pies tomorrow for my bake sale comin' up."

    "Waaaaiiiit!" Pinkie Pie cried, "I was gonna ask Kevvy to come to my house to help me bake some yummy cakes!"

    "U-Um, I was hoping Kevin would be interested in helping me take care of the animals at the shelter," Fluttershy said, softly.

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