Chapter 15: The Bestest Slumber Party Ever

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After his short ride back home, Kevin pulled his car into the garage. As he locked the car behind him and started to head inside, he realized the task ahead of him: telling his parents he would be going to a sleepover with 7 other girls. He could only imagine the comments they would make and the looks he would get. He groaned, stopping in front of the door to the house as he debated saying anything. Maybe it would be better not to say anything...

No, no. He had to. He steeled himself for the conversation before him and stepped inside.

"I'm home!" he hollered, closing the door behind him as he went into the living room. There sat his mom and dad on the couch, now turned to him as he announced himself before. "Hey, mom. Hey, dad." His mother beamed at him, getting up from her seat and giving Kevin a hug.

"Hi, honey! How was school today?" She sat back down, gesturing for Kevin to sit with them. He obliged, taking a seat next to his mom.

"Good. Well, mostly."

"Another bully?" his dad asked, but Kevin shook his head.

"No, not that. Just... another magical problem."

"Again?" his mom gasped, her eyes widened before she let out a sigh. "It only seems like it was a week or some ago since the last one."

"Well, what's going on this time?" Kevin looked between his parents, unsure of how to even start.

"To start, Twilight and Spike are back-" Kevin began, but he barely got through his thought before his mom interjected with an "Awwww."

"She's such a nice girl. You should have her over again!" his mom exclaimed, clearly sidetracked. Kevin groaned slightly, but his dad was able to reel it in.

"Wait, didn't you say something about she had to wait something like 30 moons before she could come back? I may not be good with astronomy, but it sure doesn't seem like it's been that long."

"Let me explain," Kevin started, and explain he did. Over the course of a few minutes, Kevin broke down the entirety of their new magical problem at school. He went over how the Dazzlings showed up, how they brainwashed the school, converted the musical showcase into a battle of the bands, and were actually sirens from Equestria that fed off of negative emotions to get stronger. He also broke down how Twilight was able to get back so soon, along with their current plan of writing a magical counterspell to defeat the sirens. "-And so now, we just have to make that counterspell, perform during the Battle of the Bands, and get the sirens out of here."

His parents stared at him in disbelief, blinking a few times before his dad broke and silence with a sigh.

"Y'know, when you said your normal life was over... I don't know, I guess I expected a little bit of time before the next magical event happened," he joked. His mother giggled slightly.

"I'll say." She rested a hand on Kevin's shoulder. "Either way, we know you and your friends can pull through." Kevin smiled at his mom, glad to have her and his dad's support in all of this.

"Thanks." He then got up from the couch and began to make his way to his room. "And I'm going to a sleepover with the girls, okay bye," he quickly spat out, trying to get the news across to his parents fast enough for them not to register what he said immediately. However, his dad was quick, and grabbed Kevin's wrist before he was able to sneak past him.

"Wooooah, hold on there, Romeo." Kevin stopped in his tracks, looking back at his dad. He had a quizzitive look on his face, clearly intrigued by what Kevin had tried to slip by them. He let go of his son before he spoke. "What was this about a sleepover?" Damn it, he should've said it with his super speed.

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