Chapter 21

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No one's pov

It was a bright sunny day...Birds chirping, busy roads, people going for work.... everything is going on its daily routine but there was someone whose routine was totally messed up....

Taehyung was sitting on the floor beside his bed...His room was covered with curtains and no light could be seen in his room....There were bottles of alcohol lying here and there in his room....His room was pretty much messed up....

Taehyung grabbed another bottle and drank some alcohol from that....His eyes were all red and there were dark circles under his eyes.....

Until now even Taehyung didn't realised how much he loved his bun...But after staying away from his bun for past six days he felt like he'll die... It's very difficult for him to even breath without his bun....

That wide doe eyed bunny looking guy had become his breath and everything....

He felt that his world is gonna collapse at this instant if he didn't get to see his bun right now....He got a call from Suga saying that jungkook is out for maybe grocery shopping with his hyung at lachimolala store....

Taehyung stumbled to stand and ran to his car to get a look at his bun even though it's from far...

Other side

Hyung I want to go home please.... Jin hyung told you that he'll accompany you than why me...?
Jungkook asked from jimin hyung....

Anybody can see that the guy have lost some weight...He got dark circles and his red cheeks looks kinda pale now....

Jungkook baby you didn't even come outside from your stay at home all day....You look like a patient dear...You can have some fresh air...and it'll help you to get off your mind from Taehyung too.... you think he forget me already....? Why he is not coming for me....? I can't handle this anymore hyung.... It's too much now....I can't live without him hyung.... please tell him to take me with him....

Jungkook cried in Jimin's arms standing outside the store while Taehyung was looking at them from far...His baby looked so thin and pale....He cried inside his car...He knew his baby too can't live without him...

It's enough baby.... I'll propose you tomorrow... You'll be mine love...Only mine... I'll take you with me forever.... Hyungie took too much time... Let's end both of our sufferings....

Taehyung took his phone out and texted jungkook

"Come at flower hotel at 4 pm.... I'll send the driver to pick you up.... Hyungie is sorry bun for taking too much time.... please do come.... it's a date love"

Just one day.... We'll be together forever....

Taehyung drove away from there...


Both jimin and jungkook went back home because jimin knew that Jungkook is so stressed and better if he rests....

Jungkook went to his room while Jimin just shook his head worried for his baby kookie...

Jungkook always smiles even if it's too much for him.. He never looked this sad for something in his life...Jimin knew that Jungkook loves Taehyung so much...He didn't know why Taehyung is not coming to take kook back....There are always guards around them it means that Taehyung cared for jungkook then why he's not coming....Jimin was in deep thoughts when he heard kook's shout....

Hyung....Jimin hyung....

Jimin ran inside to see what was happening when jungkook hugged him while crying making him worried....

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