Chapter 4

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   Nora pov
    I had woken up to Rhea shaking me. ¨We are at our next stop and we have to get off because we are changing buses¨ She informs me. ¨Oh okay thanks¨ I reach down to grab my bag, Then I go to stand but something falls from above me and almost hits me. ¨Sorry, are you okay?¨ an unfamiliar man asks me.¨Yeah I'm all good¨ I say as I smile at him. ¨ I'm Finn you must be new¨ So that must be Finn Bálor. ¨I am actually, I am Nora-¨. ¨Okay nice for you all to meet but I would like to get off this horrible bus please¨ Rhea says interrupting me and Finns' conversation. We both chuckle at her and move out of her way. She starts walking to the front of the bus but Triple H stops her and they start to take. I watch them talk and that is when I hear Finn call my name ¨You can go to her if you want¨. ¨Thank you¨ I walk away from Finn not wanting to leave Rheas or Triple H's side because it has been years since I have been in America. ¨Nora, Rhea is going to stay with you for a bit and will help you with whatever you might need¨ My uncle informs me. I sigh in relief for some reason. Rhea had gotten off the bus and I decided to follow her as I had no clue where we were and didn't want to be left alone. ¨So we are going to set our bags on the new bus and then walk to the mall across the street for food, Okay?"Rhea tells me the plan and I just nod. I do as she said. She took the window seat like last time and I was fine with that as I liked the outer seat. We put our big bags down and I grabbed my wallet, phone, and chapstick, then was ready to go. Rhea had just grabbed her phone and wallet. We walked over to the mall with Finn, Dominik, and Damian. By far Damian had the best haircut out of all of them. I mean Dominik is really a mullet, those went out of style ages ago and aren't coming back for a reason. Finn I mean his haircut was better but he still looked like he was a ten-year-old still. Rhea and Damian had the best out of all of them. Rhea had slowed down from Damian and paced with me. I was walking behind everyone else so it was noticeable when she did so. ¨You alright?" She asked me. ¨Yeah I'm all good, still trying to figure everything out still¨ I say giving her an explanation hoping she would stop asking questions. I think she took the hint and stayed quiet. ¨You should come to meet Damian¨ Rhea says while taking my hand and making me walk up to Damian. Damian was nice and super sweet. I can see why Rhea is so close with him. ¨So how long are you going to be in the US¨ he asks me. I didn't know how to answer it so I just shrugged and said ¨No clue, my uncle wants me to fully join the Us circuit but Im not sure just yet¨. Damian nodded at what I said, I could tell he was thinking of what to say next. ¨You ever been to the Us before¨ Rhea asked me breaking Damian from his thoughts to listen to my answer. ¨Yeah, I was born and raised here but when I was 17 I left and moved to Britain and then Ireland, then the WWE took me to Spain where I have been for years.¨ Rhea seemed to have finally placed my accent and that's when Damian chipped in. ¨That really cool where were you born in the US?¨ I laugh because I know they are going to have no clue where this is but decide to tell them anyway and not go with the big city where I live. ¨I was born and raised for most of my life in Green Rose, Michigan. It is over by Detroit.¨ I add to help them with where it was. As it was a tiny city right outside of Detroit with maybe 300 people in the town. Rhea looks super confused at what I said but Damian helps her with ¨Where summer mania was Rhea, Ford Field¨. Rhea finally seemed to catch on and Damian just chuckled at her. ¨ You are from Michigan?¨ Dominik had chipped into the conversation at hand. ¨Yep I am¨ I say looking back at him and he just nodded his head.We had finally gotten into the mall and Finn and Damian had left to go find the food they wanted. It was just me, Rhea, and Dominik, and nobody knew what they wanted but we knew we had to eat. Rhea had said burgers but Dominik said they ate that for dinner last night. Yet with burgers out of the question we only had an odd Mexican place, subway, sushi, and Italian food. I was all for sushi but I didn't know what anyone else thought of that so I just stayed quiet. I was going to stay quiet the whole time and not say a word because I didn't want to upset anybody and I was kinda third wheeling here until Rhea asked my opinion. ¨I mean the Mexican place looks kinda creepy but the sushi place doesn't look bad¨ I say stating the obvious hoping I didn't say anything wrong. Then Dominik says ¨Sushi it is¨ and shrugs then he and Rhea start to walk that way and I just follow. Of course, I had to pick the place where Triple H is. Rhea sees this right away of course and laughs at me. ¨Hes your uncle.-¨ I interrupt her ¨I know he is my uncle and I love him to death but now this means I have to talk to him¨ right as I say that he starts to walk over. Dominik and Rhea laugh at how accurate I am. ¨You guys go get food I will catch up in a minute¨ I tell them hoping they will leave so I can talk to my uncle privately because with that man you never know what he will say. They do leave to get food which I am forever grateful for. ¨So kid how are you doing so far¨ Triple says while putting an arm around me to give me a hug. I do return the gesture and respond truthfully ¨ It's going good everyone is super nice¨. Then he has to bring up Rhea and what I thought of her. ¨Uncle I can see where this is going to go. I don't like Rhea or Dominik so don't even ask.¨ with me saying that he laughs. ¨I have known you your whole life kid. I know when you are mad when you have been crying, but I also know when you like someone.¨ with that he walked away. No, he can't be right I barely know them. Well, I do know them just not very well. I could never like Rhea or Dominik. Well for one I am straight and for two...

Hi guys I was wondering what you guys thought so far. This was just something I started doing one night so I dont really have any plan yet. Lol Have a good day!

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