Chapter 12

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                        Rhea pov
I was seated on the plane and it took a few more minutes for Nora to show up but she did eventually. I didn't want the first thing I said to be I like you but I didn't know what else to say. I looked over at her and her eyes were on the screen of her phone. ¨Nora. I'm sorry I kissed you without asking but I'm not sorry I did it.¨ Words left my mouth and she just looked up at me. ¨Why did you do it?¨ Now that was the hard question I wasn't ready for. ¨I like you, and Dominik¨ Once the words left my mouth I wasn't sure if I had said something wrong or right all I knew was it was the truth. ¨Your poly¨ Nora still kept her face clam but the confusion was seeping into her clam mask. ¨I'm not sure all I know is that I love both you and Dominik. I really do love you both.¨ I hadn't a clue of what poly meant so I would have to google that later. Nora just nodded and leaned her head on me. I took a deep breath and tears slipped down my cheeks. I couldn't tell if I was crying from relief or embarrassment but I was crying on a plane out in the open. Nora lifted her head and brought me to her chest and she held me while I cried. It seemed to take forever for me to stop crying but when I did Nora was still holding me. ¨ It's okay, you're safe¨ she muttered in my ear every once in a while. I soon fell asleep from hearing her heartbeat. I felt safe in her arms like I did with Dominik. It was the same feeling, a feeling I loved so much. When I woke back up we had already landed and Dominik was taping both of us to wake us. ¨Come on ladies time to go¨ Dominik had a small smile on his face. I grabbed my stuff and we gently woke Nora together. Dom already had her stuff in his hands. Once she was up we all got off the plane and found Damian, Finn, and Triple H. Nora was still really tired apparently because her arms were around me and her head was leaning on my chest. I giggled as Triple H told us where we were going. ¨Uncle, can I go to my house instead of the hotel? I really want to sleep in a good bed. Hell all of judgment day can come. I don't care¨ Nora's voice was muffled but you could still hear it well enough to know what she said. Triple thought for a minute before agreeing to let all of us stay there. Finn and Damian look super happy to not have to sleep in a hotel this week and I can't lie but I was too. I was tired of the hotel mattress. We called cabs after we had gotten our bags. Finn and Damian were in a cab and Nora, Dom, and I were in one. Once we got to Nora's house you could see how big it was. It was in a gated community and her own house was gated. It would be impossible to break into. Her front doors were huge and the entrance looked like a house in itself. There were two coat closets, a full bathroom, and two granite pillars that entered into the main part of the house. After the entrance and Finn, and Dominik were star-struck we walked into a living room where a maid greeted us. ¨Miss Seymour, I was unaware you were coming¨ she even called her Miss. ¨Kelly how many times do I have to tell you to call me Nora¨ We all looked around, with now all of us being star-struck at how big it was. ¨Can you prepare bedrooms for them please¨ Nora asked in a polite manner. The maid Kelly said of course and left once she had left Nora turned back to us and the words that came out of her mouth made Finn question who he had become friends with. ¨Welcome to one of my houses.¨ ¨I am sorry! What are you, a mafia boss¨ Finn was shocked. Nora not answering made him ask again but she just walked away laughing. I followed her wanting to see where the house takes us. She walked through another doorway and it was another living area and this time a kitchen. There were big sliding doors that led out to a huge garden. There was also a giant pool and a hot tub plus an outdoor bar. I kept walking in the outdoor space. I saw Nora kneeling down and petting a cat! ¨He is Kelly's cat. I am more of a dog person.¨ Nora's voice broke my thoughts. Then Dominik just appeared ¨So how big is this house?¨ His question was something everyone was asking. ¨Not really sure but it was my great-grandmother's and when she died I got it.¨ Nora had stood up now and turned to look at us. ¨You two want to stay in my bed tonight?¨ Her question left us a little bit shocked but she didn't stay to see it. She walked through another door, which lead into a home gym now. Her house was like a giant maze. I stayed close to her but Dominik wandered. I was scared of getting lost in the mansion she called a house. She took us down an odd hallway and up a very big staircase which led us to a dangerous-looking room. It at least would be dangerous for her, not so much for me or Dominik. We walked through two more doors and then we ended up in a very big bedroom. She dropped one of her bags on the floor. Chucked her shoes across the floor, stripped a shirt, and flopped down. She whined as she made grabby hands towards me, there was this unspoken agreement that we were gonna be in the same bed tonight. I walked over and laid down with her and she just snuggled into me. I had no clue where the boys were but I didn't care. I just hope that they don't break anything.

Hey guys I hope everyone is well! I will keep trying to update every two days ish! School is crazy right now so sorry if it takes me a little longer. Also thank you for 2k reads!!!
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Have a good day or night!😊

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