Chapter 15

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Rhea pov
Nora had a smirk on her face when she said "Whatever you say Dominik and Rhea," Nora emphasizes our names. That is when I knew she was going to be in deep trouble with Dom.

Dom stares, does nothing but stare at her for a good minute. Her smirk had been whipped off her face at this point and Nora looked scared shitless. Dominik then moved past her and the huge cabinets behind her.

"Now, I am sure you understand that I have looked through the room. Found things you probably didn't want us to ever know about. Right?" He asked her a rhetorical question but she didn't seem to get that, or she didn't care enough to get that.

"Let me go now" her voice was uneven. She pulled at the cuffs trying to pull them off but they didn't move. She cursed at herself for buying good ones. Ones she cant get out of.

Dominik laughed, "Are you going to be good?" "Not a chance" Nora kept pulling at the cuffs, the panic was starting to set in on her. I walked over to her and started to gently pet her hair. "Deep breath, we won't hurt you." I try to calm her down and it kinda works.

She laid her head against my leg and I kept petting her hair. Dominik walked over and took the cuffs off her. "You try to run and I will tie you to the bed" Nora nodded in acknowledgement.

She stopped herself halfway through looking at me to see if I was really gonna make her say it. I nodded and she gave us a pleading look. "Say it little girl" my voice had become as unkind as Dom Doms.

"Yes mamí, yes papí" her cheeks were flushed red. "Good girl" she leaned in to me more. She seemed to like the praise, yet also liked the degradation. It was funny how she was just so perfect for us.

Dominik had undone the cuffs and her arms quickly clung to my leg. "Let mamí sit down little girl then you can sit on mamí' s lap while daddy gets something." she let go the minute I said it. Now I want to be a good girl. I had picked her up while Dominil grabbed the blind fold and set the ropes up on the bed.

Nora clung to me like her life depended on it. "You'll be nice right" her voice was soft, still nervous. "Yes, we will be nice if you're good." Dominik wrapped the blindfold around Nora's eyes.

Her body tensed, it got even more tense when he picked her up. "Deep breathe little girl, will take care of you. You dont need to worry." Dominiks words calmed her. Dominik laid Nora on the bed while we tied her hand to the posts.

Dominic grabbed the same thing he used on me. What shocked me though is that he handed it to me. "You sure" I had mouthed to him? "Yes" his voice was quiet which seemed to make her nevoerus. "Mamí" Nora voice was confused, I didnt answer her.

I traced the paddle down her back. She shivered, Dominik started to undress the baby. First her pants, then her top, finally her panties. Which were mush to inapproate for such a little girl. I would have to clean those up later. I traced the paddle down her back again. Nora let out a whine.

Dominiks pants were getting tighter and you could see this though he was only in sweatpants. I landed the paddle swiftly on her ass which left a bright red mark. The moan that cam eout of her seemed to go right to Dominiks dick.

I did this a few times over till her ass was fully bright red. Dominik droped ice on her ass then and she moan and tugged at the ropes. It was cute how easily you could get a reaction out of her.

We messed with the baby some more. The little one looked they were gonna pass out once we were down. Apparently 10 rounds is a lot for our baby girl. Dominik helped bathe her and once she was dried and clothed, Nora was out.

Hey guys sorry it has been taking me so long to update. Final exams have been killing me right now. Promise more updates are coming soon thought!
Have a good day!
Words 742

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