Chapter 7

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Nora pov
I woke up to Rhea and Dominik talking. They were holding me. I didn't want them to know I was up so I pretended I was still asleep and listened to them talk. They were talking about who was gonna wrestle who this weekend in Nashville Tennessee (I was sad that we still had one more bus ride till we got there). Rhea started to play with my hair. It was so warm between them and they were both so careful not to squish me as I am incredibly shorter than both of them. Rhea had shifted so she was sitting up more which meant she knew I was awake. I didn't know if I should move or just stay still. Dominik picked for me by rubbing my back. It felt so nice. ¨Morning¨ Dominik said to me with a smirk on his face. My back arched into him ¨ morning¨. I said it quietly as I was kinda embarrassed. Rhea chuckled ¨Come on time to go to the gym, both of you.¨ she said, making Dominik groan. I nodded and got up with Rhea getting up with me. Dominik laid in bed while we got ready. I did my hair in two different braids and changed out some of my jewelry. I put on green leggings and a black sports bra. Rhea put on black leggings and a black sports bra. When we both were ready Dominik was still in bed and climbed into bed and said ¨if you don't get up im gonna poor water one you¨. Dominik sat right up and almost hit me with his head. ¨Don't you dare do that. Rhea did that once and she regretted that night ask her.¨ Dominik had a new darkness to his voice that kinda scared me. Rhea laughed behind me somewhere. I brushed it all off though and got up off the bed. Dominik got up with me ¨You two go without me.¨ Rhea shook her head ¨Um no you wont come if we leave you here alone. You didn't work out yesterday so you have today.¨ Dominik gave her puppy dog eyes which made me laugh. He was such a funny person. ¨How about I stay with him?¨ I offered it to Rhea. ¨I am already dressed so it would make no sense to not come. Plus I like the gym.¨ I added hoping she would let it happen. ¨Fine but you have 20 minutes and if your not down there I will come back up and drag you both down there.¨ Rhea grabbed her phone, headphones, key card to the room and left. Dominik moved to his suitcase and pulled out clothes. He went to the bathroom to change while I grabbed my phone and headphones. When Dominik came out his hair was nicely combed back and pants and a shirt. ¨Is that one of my shirts¨ I said after I looked a little closer. I was so confused on how he had that and why he had that. He laughed and nodded then he grabbed his phone and headphones like the rest of us. He walked towards the door and pulled it open letting me go first. ¨Such a gentleman¨ I said while walking out of the room. ¨I try to be¨ He said in that same dark tone. I couldn't place what it meant but I wasn't worried. Once we got to the gym Rhea smiled ¨Glad I didn't have to come back up there and drag you both down here.¨ All three of us chuckled at what she said knowing it was true. I went to the pull up bar and started to do pull ups counting in my head. Rhea went back to lifting weights and Dominik went to some machine I had never seen before. I did about 50 pull ups before I got on one of the treadmills. I started my normal leg day routine. I ran a mile and then looked around to see that they don't have the other machine I use so I just went to lift weights with Rhea. FIgured it would be fine if I skipped leg day today. I lifted a 50 pound weight 20 times per ar then went up 5 pounds and did it again. I did that three more times ending at 70 pounds. ¨Who taught you how to lift weights?¨ Rhea asked with a look on her face. ¨My uncle if you have a problem take it up with him¨ I say with a brattiness coming into my voice. Dominik picked his head up when he heard me say that and had a smirk on his face. I ran another mile on the treadmill. When I got off the treadmill from doing a mile I sounded like I was dying. ¨You good¨ Dominik asked from the other side of the room. .Yeah¨ I managed to say while panting. He got up from what he was doing and brought me a water bottle. He even opened it for me. I gave him a look asking if it was okay and he nodded at me. Once he did that I gently took it from him and waterfall some of it into my mouth. Once I drank some water I sounded like I was dying a little less. ¨You sure you are good¨ Dominik asked checking again. To be honest I didn't really feel good but I nodded my head and said thanks because I didn't want to bother anyone. Dominik started to walk away and so did I but I stopped abruptly and stayed still. This got Rhea to ask me again if I was okay. I couldn't get words out so I just nodded my head. This made Rhea get up and walk to me and Dominik started to walk back to me. I felt my knees start to give away. Rhea grabbed me and brought me to sit down. I knew something was wrong now as I have never felt like this before. I felt myself start to black out. I tried to not black out but I couldn't keep myself awake. I heard Rhea say my name while I felt my body go limp. The next thing I knew is we were in the hospital and Rhea, Dominik, and Triple H were all there. I sat up and that freaked everyone out. ¨Stop, don't move too fast¨ Rhea said in a panic tone. ¨Sit back down now¨ Triple H said in a tone that let the panic come out. You know it's bad when he starts to panic. Even when you can hear it in his voice you know it's bad. Dominik got up, im guessing to go find a doctor or a nurse. I was right because he came back to us with a doctor. The doctor started to talk but I couldn't hear a word he was saying. With feeling like that I layed back down. The doctor saw this and came up to me to check things. I moved my head away from him to look at Rhea and Dominik. They both looked so nervous for me. The doctor started to talk some more but the only thing I heard out of everything that he said was that I should rest for at least three days. As well as something about bad food that I ate. I wasn't really sure but Rhea nodded and said her and Dominik would look over me for the next few days. I was let out of the hospital an hour later. When we got back to the hotel I found out that the buses left without us. Triple H was working on getting us plane tickets while us three packed. When we finished packing and Rhea did most of mine while I layed down we went down and Triple H was there. ¨You three have to sit next to each other. I couldn't get you business class but I could get you first class¨ My uncle told us. Part of me thinks he did it on purpose so I wasn't alone. I didn't really care though. We got in the cab and it took us straight to the airport. We got through security easily enough then we got to our gate where we had to sit for half an hour. I say between Rhea and my uncle, Dominik sat on Rhea's other side. Everyone was on their phone. I was browsing Twiter seeing what was new. I got tired of holding my head up so I rested it on Rheas shoulder. You could see her smile when I did so. It felt like forever but we eventually were able to get on the plane. We all found our seats. My uncle came shortly after to check on us. Mostly he came to make sure I was okay. I reassured him that I was. So did Rhea because she told him she would take care of me. That seemed to make him feel more comfortable. He left shortly after that. When the flight attendant came around you could tell she knew who we were. It was kinda awkward because I had never been noticed before. She left after telling us we were taking off soon. We had just taken off when she came back next with paper and a pen. ¨Hi, I  am sorry this must be so weird but your koko right?¨ she said my ring name. ¨I am¨ I say with a blush crossing my face. Rhea gave me a look that pretty much said want me to get rid of them. I shook my head no to her because this was a first for me and I have always wanted to be noticed. ¨Could you sign this please¨ She said with a hopeful look. I of course said yes and she looked so happy as she passed me the paper. I signed it for her and gave it back. She said thank you and left. It was nice she didn't bother us the rest of the flight. After we got off Rhea asked me ¨You really signed that.¨ ¨Yeah of course why wouldn't I?¨ I was confused at why she was asking me that. ¨Well the European circuit doesn't really do that like the American circuit does¨ Rhea said to me still with her confused look. ¨I have always wanted to do that. Not all of the managers think it is safe though on the European circuit that is why we are told not to sign anything¨ I answered her while she had an oh moment. I giggled at her when her mouth made an O. Dominik must have also thought it was funny because he laughed at her. We took another cab to the hotel. When we got there I changed for the gym as I was bored and had nothing to do. Damian had come over in that time to check on us. As nobody had a clue of what happened. Rhea looked over at me when I came out. Dominik was the one who said something to me ¨We told Damian what happened by the way¨. I nodded in acknowledgement. ¨You dont mind right¨ Rhea asked me still with a skeptical look on her face. ¨Nope, I dont mind. Probably better he knows as I work with all of you.¨ I say to them while grabbing my phone and headphone as well as one of the three key cards. ¨Where are you going¨ Rhea says noticing this. When Rhea said that Damian left because he knew what ever was gonna happened he didnt want to be part of. ¨The gym¨ I answer while walking towards the door. ¨Hell no¨ Rhea said in a dark tone that reminded me of Dominiks voice earlier today. She wrapped her arms around my waist. ¨We are gonna watch a movie¨ With that she picked me up walk us over to the bed. Sat me down and layed down herself. I gave up right then and there because Dominik came over and moved me so I was between them. I handed Dominik the stuff I was holding and he took it in exchange for the tv remote. With that I pick a horror movie for us to watch. About half way through I was asleep... between two amazing people.

I was wondering if this was making sense to you guys? Im trying to make it make sense but I'm not sure it is.

Have a good day!

What if I love both of them?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum