Chapter 5

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        Nora pov
                    Well for one I am straight and for two...
        We had just walked back to the bus after eating. We had gotten some really good sushi, then we went and walked around the mall for a bit. I couldn't get what my uncle said out of my head so I was quiet most of the time we walked around. We had met back up with Finn and Damian at the bus. Rhea and Finn start talking and so did Damian and Dominik. I was unsure of what to do so I started walking to the bus. It was weird being new to a team. I had been on the European circuit for so long that I knew pretty much everyone and everything. I missed my friends a lot but I knew I had to keep going as there was so much more here for me in America. (Little did I know at that moment that my life would change forever in just a few short months.) It had been hours since we had gotten on the bus. I had watched two movies but about halfway through I had gotten bored. I had started to play on my phone when I got a text from someone. When I looked it was my friend Sara who was asking me how I was doing. I didn't know what to say to her so I didn't answer because I wasn't sure. I've never done good with change but it has always been in my life as nothing stayed the same for long. Something was always changing even when I was a kid. I looked at my watch to see what time it was and it was 5 pm which meant we would stop for dinner soon. I wasn't hungry yet so I groaned internally. I looked around the bus to see what everyone else was doing. Some people were doing work and others were playing on their phones or watching movies. Nobody was really talking, it was so different from the other buses I've been on. They are always so loud and full of life but this is so calm and serene. It was really nice, I was never one for a loud party like buses. I do wish my bestie James was here. He always sat next to me on the buses we'd be on together. Rhea had tapped me to get my attention ¨ It's time to get up and get dinner. It's just gonna be us as Dominik is going with Stephine¨. She was quiet after that waiting to see my response. ¨Okay¨ I said with a smile but after she said just those simple words made my heart feel some kind of way. I pushed that feeling away and when the bus came to a stop I got up. Everyone slowly started to get off this time there was no walk which was nice. Rhea and I walked in side by side and there was this silence that wasn't uncomfortable but it was comfortable. We had gotten burgers for dinner because it was easiest and neither of us wanted to wait in a line. We had eaten quickly so we had time to walk around. We had taken the elevator to the second floor after reading the map Rhea decided where we were going. She insisted it was a secret and couldn't tell me. I wasn't sure if I really should be following her but for some reason I felt like I should follow her. She dragged me around two corners and then we were there. It was Mels candy. ¨Come.¨ is all she said before dragging me in. I knew I shouldn't be eating candy but seeing Rhea so happy made me feel like I was okay to eat candy. We both bought two different kinds of candy. Rhea had gotten candy from Australia. ¨Sorry, I had to drag you to that place. There are only so many in the US and I love those stores. Every time we are by one I always stop in.¨ Rhea said with a giant smile on her face. ¨It's all good Rhe¨ I say with my smile becoming equally as bright. ¨Rhe¨She says while looking at me. Then it hit me on what I called her. ¨Gosh I am sorry I didn't realize¨ I say while my face is bright red. She laughs at me and how bright my face has become. ¨Your all good darling¨Rhea had said without realizing what she said. When she did her face also became bright red. We both laughed so hard we had to stop walking. Once we had stopped laughing super hard. We walked around some more and walked in a few stores. Then I saw a store I hadn't seen in years, Forever 21. ¨Rhea you don't care if I go into a store do you?¨ I asked her. ¨Yeah I don't care, you don't mind if I come with you, right?¨ She asked me in return. ¨Not at all¨"I had said while walking towards the store. I had mapped our hotel and there was a bar not 5 minutes away so I knew where I was going tonight. I knew I needed a top for tonight because I had a black skirt in my suitcase. Once we had walked to the top section I started to look around. Rhea had picked something up but I was only half paying attention to her. I was looking at a light pink shirt that was very cropped. ¨So may I ask why we are here¨ Rhea had asked while turning around looking right at me. ¨Well if you must know there is a bar by our hotel and I want to go get drinks tonight¨ I say turning around to look at her. She had a smirk on her face that made me feel small. I think she noticed this because her smirk only got bigger as she started to walk towards me. ¨You want anybody to go with you¨ She has this powerful energy coming off of her. If you didn't know she was a big softie you would be terrified. To be honest I was terrified of her at that moment. I knew she could easily overpower me and that wasn't a feeling I got often. I knew I had to make a cocky remark. ¨Why you want to come with me¨ I say taking a step towards her hoping this messes with her a bit. At least just enough to push her off her high horse. Rhea laughed and said ¨What if I did. What are you going to do?̈ '' She pushes some more and at this point I don't know what to say because I have never been great at comebacks and we when I do it towards my best friends. Rhea can tell so she grabs my waist to pull me closer to her. ¨Can I come with you?¨ rhea asked in a quieter tone. ¨Yes, you can but you have to help me pick a shirt because I don't know what to wear¨ I had said while laughing. ¨Yes, I can help you darling¨ She while letting me go and looked down at the shirts. She had picked up the pink one I was just looking at. ¨This one and I would also get the blue one¨ rhea had said pretty much agreeing with me. ¨Yay, that's the one I was looking at before¨ I say with a grin on my face. I have never been great at picking clothes so I was happy that she picked the same thing. ¨I am glad you like what I picked darling¨ Rhea had picked one blue and one pick for me to try on. ¨Small right¨ Rhea had asked while turning to look at me. ¨Small or medium¨ I say quietly. She could tell this wasn't something I was super comfortable with.She has picked up both and handed them to me for me to try on. She didn't say anything and just smiled at me, this smile that was comforting. We had walked to the changing room so I could try the shirts on. After I had tried them on we put the one I didn't need on the rack and Rhea grabbed the shirt in the other color. I paid then we left to go back to the buses. ¨Thank you for your help¨ I said as we got on the elevator. ¨Anytime¨ She said with her same smile. You would think that because her on screen character is scary that she would be at least somewhat scary but she's not. She is so very sweet and gentle. I never would have known if my uncle didn't put me next to her. I was super happy he did. I had always looked up to her and it was amazing getting to know her. I didn't want this to end anytime soon. We looked at each other before the doors opened up and it was this look that neither of us could place and neither of us knew what it would mean just yet. Though it would not be that long till we found out what that look meant. I don't think either of us could wait though to figure out what it meant.

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