Chapter 8

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Rhea pov
                (Time Skip)
    It had been 2 months since Nora had passed out. We hadn't had to share a room in a while. We all have a big match tonight and we are all super hyped about it. Tonight is also the night Nora joins Judgement day. It had taken forever to get to this point but we are finally here. I was in the judgment day lounge room. It was a medium size room with a tv, couch, two chairs, and a small coffee table. ¨So how am I meant to join judgment day again¨ Noa said while pacing around? You could tell just by looking at her how nervous she was. Finn then grabbed her from behind and pulled her into a big bear hug. ¨Remember Judgement day has no script. We aren't really sure about anything.¨ Finn says letting her go from the hug. This didn't seem to help. She just kept pacing around the room. Dominik got up and pulled her to the couch and pushed her towards Damian. Damian pulled her down, making her sit. ¨You don't want to overuse your muscles¨ Damian said while keeping a hold on her. ¨Walking around wont do anything, now let me up¨Nora kept trying to protest but Damian wasn't having any of it. Eventually Dominik laid part of his body on her which made it hard for her to get up. She groaned and finally gave up on trying to get up. I got up to get water the moment Triple H walked in. He didn't have a very happy look on his face. ¨Nora, your mom is on the phone¨ Nora look on her face said it all. She wasn't happy and nor was Triple. Dominik and Damian both let go of her the moment she was free she pretty much ran to Triple. She had left the room just as fast as she had gotten up. When we had to leave the room she still wasn't back. She didn't show back up till we were about to walk out. You could just see the fire in her eyes, it was something that kinda scared me. ¨You all good¨ Damian said gently. You could tell he said it just to test the water and wasn't going to try and push. ¨Yeah all good, it's Rhea, Dom, Damian and me fighting tonight right¨ she was checking which shocked me. ¨Yes, your up against the L.W.O.Triple H's voice broke through and all Nora did was nod and mummer something in Spanish to him. We were all too far from her to hear what was said but something told me it wasn't good. As they both shared a look of concern. ¨Just wrestle tonight, ignore your mom. Okay¨ Triple H patted her back and walked away. Our song played and Damian and Dominik went first, then Finn followed by Nora and I. We made our way down the ramp where the L.W.O was waiting for us in the ring. Everyone was quiet for a minute, even the crowd. Having Nora walk out with us was big. All the fans knew is this could be how she joins L.W.O of judgment day. An official walked over to Rey and handed him a mic then gave one to Nora. ¨Finally come to join us, have you" Rey said with a very smug look on his face. I wanted to punch it off him so bad but I knew I had to wait. Nora laughed which made fans go crazy ¨No, I'm just here for the show Rey. It would be fun to see you get your ass kicked.¨ Rey threw down his mic and ran at her which Dominikgladly blocked for her. With that she got out of the ring and went to the commenters stand. Rey and Dominik went at it, with Rey landing some pretty good hits. Zelina tried to infer which I gladly stopped. I threw her down to the ground with a very happy smile on my face. Dominik tagged Damian and the first thing he did was throw Rey to the ground hard. Zelina got tagged by Rey and Damian tagged me. Zelina and I went at it for a bit, but after a while I got bored. I threw him into a post head first which made Santos mad. He went after Damian on the outskirts of the ring. Zelina tagged Rey and I gladly fought Rey till I got tired and needed a break. When I got back outside I tagged Dominik. Which he got his ass kicked by his dad again. I was yelling at him from the side lines. Nora was now a commentator which I am unsure on how she got a mic but she did. She made jokes which made Rey mad because most of them were about him. She also got the crowd really loud so loud that Dominik couldn't hear me yell at him. Dominik tagged Damian and Rey tagged Santos. They were in all our brawl. This was something that I had never seen before because Nora made sure to mention that. She wasn't a bad commentator but was still a better wrestler. Santos tagged Rey which was odd. ¨Shit, Dominik?¨ I panicked when Dom was gone. I got down from the side and looked around. Zelina had knocked him out and was dragging him away. Oh hell no. I ran to Dominik and punched Zelina. I was over Dominik keeping him safe. When Zelina backed away I bent down to Dominik to make sure he wasn't really passed out because if he was Zelina would be dead within five minutes flat. He was awake but you could tell he was going to have a few bad bruises in the morning. I left Dominik on the ground and went after Zelina. Finn walked over to Dominik and helped him up. Zelina ran from me which only made me want to get her more. I wanted to break her face in a nice way but still. Damian needed help in the ring and I knew that so I left Zelina alone and let Damian tag me in. Finn was getting Dom Dom up on his feet. I got thrown to the ground pretty hard my first minute in the ring by Santos. I got back up and tried to throw him down but failed. We went at it for another minute before Santos tagged Rey. I looked around for Dom or Damian but didn't see them. Rey came flying at me which I was glad I dodged. Zelina was on Dominik again and they are going at it. Same with Santos and Damian I knew I was on my own with Rey. Me and Rey fought for another minute before out of the corner of my eye and I saw Nora run at Rey. Rey was on the ground and the official looked so done with us at this point. I only kinda felt bad. The crowd went crazy again when Nora did this. She left the ring after that and went after Zelina. Dominik got up to help me and I gladly took the help. I went after Zelina who was right now punching Nora. Nora landed a good punch on her which made my eyes widen but it quickly faded. I took on Zelina, Santos and Damian were still at it, Dominik was going after Rey. This poor official didn't know how to handle all of the chaos. They must have been newer because when Dominik and Damian switched and Damian flattened Rey they looked so happy. Damian won the match for us. Nora and Finn got up on the mat with us. Finn grabbed Damians hand and Nora grabbed mine and Damians. The official just kinda pointed at us, not sure what to do. Rey somehow was given a mic again ¨So your with judgment day?¨ His voice sounded irritated. ¨Now Rey nobody said that they did. But if I had to pick between the L.W.O and Judgement day. I would be pickingJudgement day every single time. Though I'm not picking am I.¨ Nora said with her smirk only growing bigger throughout her sentences. Damian was handed a mic ¨Now as a formal offer all of judgement day would love if you joined us.¨ Someone brought Finn a mic next then Dom got handed one. The official walked back for my mic. ¨I would agree with that¨ Finn said agreeing with Damian. ¨Mami?¨ Dominik was look for my answer before he did. ¨Yes Dom Dom.¨ I said in my normal cocky tone. ¨Can I bring it out¨ He was looking for my permission which I couldnt tell was just for show or if he felt he really needed. ¨Yeah go grab it Dom¨ I told him. Damian did a wo wo thing which got the crows going again. Dominik pretty much ran to grab it. When he cam back he was still running. He gave the papers to me and Nora gave us a look the pretty much said whats going on. Triple H walked out with a pen for her. ¨Nora, would you like to formally join Judgement day¨ We all said insynce. Triple H handed he the pen a clipboard and I gave her the papers. Her face gave no emotions away which made me a little nervous. She looked down at the pappers and brought the mic up to her mouth ¨I dont know should I?¨

Sorry it took me so long to update school was crazy this week and I got a new puppy!
Words 1610
Sorry for any spelling errors

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