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Payu was a son famous and rich businessman. His parents had tones of hotels chains and restaurants.

He had a brother a year younger to him called Dean.

Dean stayed with his parents. But Payu wanted to be independent and stayed alone in the house which his parents had gifted him on his 18th birthday.


Rain parents worked for clients usually abroad.
His parents gave him everything and spoil him.
But his parents never gave him time as they were staying out of country all the time, Rain had to grow up with his care takers which made him not to understand what is love and what is feelings..
He became rude and sassy with lot of attitude!!!

When he was 15 his parents decided to have another child and had another boy and decided to give him time and traveled less.
This made Rain mad and decided to stay alone and told his parents he needed space and stayed in luxury condo near the college.

Rain had only one good friend Patty.
Patty was his high school friend and he was the only one who understood Rain and Rain would openly speak and share everything to him. Rain truly believed and trusted only Patty in his life.

Rain always wanted love he wanted someone to give him attention!!!
Someone to love him at any condition
Someone to say that everything is okay am with you
Someone to hold him
Someone to make him feel there is home.

Rain had a ex whom he dated only 2 months.
Rain really was not interested when Rocky proposed him... but it was Patty rain close friend insisted him in getting into a relationship and try if it works out.

His ex got tried of his attitude and could not understand what really Rain was wanted.
Rain and his ex Rocky always had arguments and Rain never would agree on anything Rocky would say. Rain was sassy he did not like someone controlling him someone telling him what to do
Which leading to break up!!!

Now Rain was really not interested in any of relationships as he thought everything around him is fake !!!

But who knows there is a person who can make everything Rain thinks is not true
Who can melt his heart
Who can make Rain at ease !!!!

Will see in next chapter how Payu falls for Rain!!!

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