Thinking about you

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Payu was in his home preparing dinner he was standing in kitchen but his thoughts were somewhere else... He could not forget the boy whom he saw today in the college..

His beautiful eyes adorable lips and cute face was all Payu could think about...

Payu thinks of searching him the next day and get to know him...

Next day...

Payu asks all his friends and goes to all the 1st year buildings but Payu is not even aware of which major Rain was in..

Rain was a engineering major first year student..

After searching everywhere Payu at last come near engineering building and starts asking some students about Rain appearance..
On the other hand Rain and Patty were going towards library where Rain suddenly spots Payu
Rain hold Patty and hides near the pillar
Patty tip toes near Payu and heard what Payu was asking other students
Patty came near Rain and tells Rain that may be Payu guy is searching you and the appearance he is asking completely resembles you...
Rain get angry and tells why is that asshole searching me now
What does that basket ball guy want from me now..
and they runs inside the library

It's been 2 days still Payu can't get over Rain and kept on searching..
Then Payu and his friends goes to cafeteria and orders some cold coffee..
Payu was so sad...
Payu's close friend Cliff asks what is wrong with him
Payu says I donno I what to search that boy
When I saw him 2 days ago for the first time my heart skipped a beat and I got butterflies in my stomach when he called me stupid..
cliff laughs at Payu and says he as gone crazy 🤣🤣 When Payu finishes his coffee and was about to leave he spots Rain sitting in other side of cafeteria playing in his mobile and Patty went to order some juice...Payu was so happy that he went towards Rain. When he was about to approach Rain.. Patty shouts loudly telling RAIN!!!! Which flavour juice he needed..
Payu could not control his happiness as he got to know the little boy name was Rain.

He approaches Rain and sat in front of him Rain did not notice him and continues to use his mobile..
Payu then speaks first and says
" so ur name is Rain cute boy "

Rain suddenly puts his head up and gets irritated
Rain shouts at him what do you want asshole
Why are you spying on me 😡😡😡
Payu smiles when rain tells him asshole and tells Rain that no one ever used bad words to me.
Rain says oh really why the fucking do I need to care now..
By that time Patty comes with the juice.
Payu sees Rain so intensely and asks Rain can I speak to you in private please..
Rain replies I don speak to strangers and idiots like you.
Payu pounts his face and hold rain hands and ask please again...
Rain get irritated and tells Patty that he wil be back in 5 mins and takes Payu to place where no one was there.
And tells Payu to spit what do you what to speak
I will give you only 5 mins
Payu suddenly comes near to Rain and hold his waist and whispers in Rain ear
"I don't no what it feels like but I think am starting to like you"
Rain eyes widens and tries to push Payu but Payu did not leave him. Rain shouts your crazy guy leave me and starts cursing him non stop!!!

Smmhhhssskisss kissssss Payu suddenly kiss Rain and Rain did not know how to react by the shock😳😳😳
Payu holds Rain waist still more tightly and whispers
I falling for ur attitude and sassy behaviour
No one ever made me feel like this. I like u my
My sassy boy..
Rain pushes Payu and runs always to cafeteria
Payu stands there blushing looking at his little boy run away from him with his cute little pounty and angry face..
Payu says to himself Omg I like this sassy boy alot!!!!

That's it for this chapter
Hope you all liked it !!!!
Will see in next chapters how Payu approaches Rain !!!
And how Rain reacts to Payu !!!

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