Rain is sick 🤒🤧

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Because of drenching in rain previous day
Rain was in the bed not able to get up because of heavy headache!!!
He tried to wake up from bed to get ready to Uni but felt so sick... he had cough and bit of fever which led to body ache !!!
Hence Rain thought of not going to college!!!

In the Uni
Payu searched for Rain everywhere where Rain could possibly be but Payu could not see him anywhere so he texted Rain
" sweetly where are you "

No reply

Payu could not think of anything and he directly called Rain phone ...

Buzzz buzzz
Rain was so lazy to even check the caller name and picked up the call

Payu : where are you baby I can't find you anywhere???

Rain : achoo achoo 🤧 am at home caught cold and fever coz of yesterday rain!!!
Am hugging up bye I have to sleep!!!

Payu : Rain!!! Baby !!!

Call was already disconnected...

Payu was so worried he did not know what to do!!!
He stood still for few minutes
Then decided to go visit Rain

Rain condo...

Ding Dong ding Dong....

Rain was like who is this irritating me at this time😒😒😒
Rain opens the door to see face of fully worried Payu !!!

Payu touched Rain forehead and neck and said baby you have fever come I'll take you to doctor

Why did you come here now that too uninformed???

I was worried and wanted to see you and take care of you!!!

I don't want anyone to take care of me and am not going to visit any doctor
You can go now
Before Rain could finish his sentence Payu carried Rain in bridal style and took him to bedroom and placed rain on the bed
Rain was so shocked also he felt like butterflies all over his tummy when Payu carried him.

Payu made Rain to sit and kept soft pillow for rain support. Wait here I'll be back
Payu on the way to rain home had stopped and brought the medicines for rain and hot porridge for rain.

Payu brought medicines and porridge in a bowl and put those in bed side table next to Rain

Here open your mouth I'll feed you

No!!! I can have by my self

Let me take care of you today please
Am worried about you 🥹🥹🥹
Rain opened his mouth and Payu feed him
Rain was so in shock or touched as no one till now feed him except Patty as far as in his memory!!!

When care takers try to feed rain when his parents where abroad
Rain always turned his face in angry and always ate by himself....

When Payu was feeding him he could not understand what he was feeling
That feeling was so fresh so warm and tender to him..
His heart beated fast looking at Payu

Payu feed him and made him to take his tablets and also caressed him to sleep 😴

On the other hand after rain slept
Payu saw rain room which was complete mess

Clothes were thrown here and there snacks bags hanging everywhere
Shoes thrown around door till rain's bed ...

Payu decided to clean Rain room until he wakes up...

After about 2 hrs Rain wakes up for a shock as where he was sleeping
His room was completely clean and tidy

He looked for Payu and Payu was in the kitchen preparing something...

Rain come to kitchen and asks Payu why did he clean his room

Payu says my baby is sick so I cleaned his room
Rain could not utter a word
Rain asks what are you doing now


Am preparing hot soup for my sweetheart
Come here and he again carried rain to his bed

Then Payu brought the hot soup and feed him again
This time rain could not take his eyes off Payu

This feeling was so good when someone is babying you when ur sick

Rain was very new to this feeling...

As Payu was feeding him Payu gets the call from is basketball coach to come practice as soon as possible as it was unplanned and suddenly practice was fixed !!!

Payu made a sigh and then said okay I'll be there in some time !!!

Payu then tells Rain who was curiously seeing his face saying baby there is a unplanned practice match fixed so I have to be there in sometime...

For some reason rain felt bad
Rain wanted Payu to stay long with him and caress him...

After finishing feeding rain the soup
Payu says I will have to leave now and kisses Rain forehead and tells please take a good rest baby
I will call you after my practice and gets up from the corner of rain bed
Rain felt the kiss on his forehead was so warm and tender
When Payu took a step unknowingly Rain holds Payu hand and calls
"PAYU.... !!!! "

Payu heart skipped a beat as Rain called him by his name for the first time

" even you were fully drenched in rain yesterday take care of yourself too..."

Payu was so happy listening this from rain and sat back on the bed and cupped rain face and kissed his forehead again saying
I will baby I will thank you so much...

After Payu leaves Rain was thinking about how Payu took care of him and without even knowing smile appears on his lips....

End of chapter!!!!

Let's see in next episode where Payu comes to know about Rain ex and how Payu reacts knowing rain was in a relationship before !!!

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