How can I not fall for you ???

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It had become a practice daily Payu picking and dropping rain and feeding him taking care of him.. dropping him to class.. meeting him in free time...

Time passed and Rain was falling hard for Payu.

Patty : Rain by this time don't you think Payu is serious about you and you have already fallen for him?

Rain : I know my heart feels safe when am with him.. it's so good when he is around me

Patty : But what Rain ?

Rain : Am scared... scared that if I fall for him he might also leave me some day.. sacred that my heart will break... no one ever showed me this much attention and care.. am scared of losing it...

Patty : Rain I understand you
            But I don't think Payu will ever hurt you
My buddy just once open up your heart for him and feel the love which he is giving you.
Don't be scared.. I know you will be the happiest...

Payu and Rain was on the way to dorm where Payu told Rain he needed some book for his assignment so let's stop at the book shop near to Uni.

In the shop when Payu was busy searching the book.. Rain eyes fall on a small note book size painting where a boy was holding umbrella in the rain...
Rain could not take eyes of it and wanted to buy it..

But shop keeper said that it was already sold and it was reserved for someone else..

Inspite of asking so much shop keeper did not agree to give it.

Shop keeper further tells that if u really want it there is one more copy of this painting in our another branch which is 3hrs from here.

Rain feels bad and thinks of let it go.

But Payu saw all these and asks Rain did you really like that painting so much

Rain says yes but that's okay who will travel so long just for that painting never mind let it be!!!

Payu drops Rain to his dorm and comes back to the shop and gets the info of another branch.
Shop keeper says it's already closing time you cannot go now.. you can go tomorrow and get it.

Next day morning

Rain got ready and waiting for Payu...


Rain receives a message from Payu
"Baby am bit busy in some work today I will reach Uni by evening" please go with Patty today na and please have you breakfast and lunch!!!

Rain feels bad and calls Patty and goes along with him..

Instead of taking car it would be better if I take bike.. I can reach soon and come back early..

Payu ride bike for 3 hrs and reached the shop and collect the painting..

But for Payu's bad luck on the way back it starting pouring like anything!!!

Payu was not even able to ride bike properly!!!

In the Uni Rain was missing Payu so much he kept on checking mobile but no message no call...

Rain texts Payu as where are you ??
Are you busy ?? What time will you come??

After so long of waiting Payu calls Rain and tells him to be near the basket ball court and don't go anywhere I will be there in 20 mins...

Rain was curious as where really Payu is and why is he telling him to wait...

Finally Payu reached basket ball court fully drenched head to toe not even able to stand properly!!!

Rain saw Payu in shock and asked where were you why are u in this state???

Payu : Close you eyes for a movement baby..

Rain : Rain did not understand but closes his eyes

Payu takes the painting carefully from his bag which is wrapped carefully and tells Rain to open his eyes...

Rain: what is this??
Payu : Open it and see...

Rain: what is this?? Payu : Open it and see

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Rain was totally speechless he could not utter a word...
Rain : Don't tell me you traveled around 7 hrs from morning getting fully drenched just for this painting..
Payu : Anything my baby likes..

Rain heart start to beat like crazy...

Payu then cups Rain face... and says

You know why I brought this painting coz the boy in the painting just looks like you..
so beautiful and adorable

If u stand in rain holding umbrella like this you would be most beautiful then anyone..
and if I see that scene I would go crazy!!!

Rain... I don't know how to put my feelings into words... you make my heart so weak.. You make my heart flutter.. no one ever gave me these type of feelings ever..
I think... I LOVE YOU

Then he kisses Rain...
Rain felt so special for a movement he was standing there in shock
He wanted to scream that yes how can I not fall for you...
Payu was kissing him so passionately
This kiss was soft tender and Rain could feel all the words which Payu could not frame was delivered in this kiss... Rain just kissed him back
He could not hold back anymore now..
He kissed back Payu with all the feelings he was hiding and scare to show to Payu..

While kissing for sometime Payu phone starts ringing

And Payu withdraws the kiss and see the mobile where his brother Dean was calling him.

Payu says Rain just a movement and picks up the call

On the other side Dean says he is on the way to Payu home as dad gave some important documents which has to signed immediately by Payu for some business purpose and tells Payu to come home as soon as possible.

Payu says rain am really sorry my brother just called and I have to go home to sign some important documents.

Payu then drops Rain in his condo and tells I will call u once am free..

Rain wanted to speak to Payu he wanted to tell Payu how he is feeling for him.. but could not say anything as Payu was in hurry.

Payu just pecks Rain on forehead and leaves...
Saying "I love you Rain" one more time...

End of chapter!!!

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