Falling for you

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Rain and Patty were sitting in cafeteria fully getting bored. Then Patty suggests Rain that they will go to watch basketball match. But Rain was not interested.
Patty keeps on bugging him so finally Rain and Patty goes to watch basketball match..

Rain was so bored and was watching mobile until he sees everyone running towards a handsome guy and crushing over him.
Rain asks Patty as what is wrong with all and why they are acting like that...
Patty then explains that the handsome guy is final year business student and he is the most famous basketball player here... All the girls and even boys are crushing over him for his attention but I don't think he as any eye on anyone!!!!

Rain saw Payu and says there is nothing special in him.. these people are acting over rated to him!!!


Payu is so famous and he daily gets so many proposals from both girls and boys. But Payu don't no why his heart never felt anything towards anyone..

In basketball court when their team won everyone rushed to Payu to take pictures with him.
But suddenly Payu eyes falls on Rain
Payu sees Rain for the first time and was mesmerised by his beauty... he was so stunned and kept on looking at Rain.


When everyone ran towards Payu to takes pics
Rain gets irritated as people acting like crazy over Payu

When he notices Payu staring at him Rain gets confused and looks here and there as what is wrong with Payu.

Rain asks Patty whom Payu is staring as no one else where sitting there.

Even Patty gets confused!!!

Later after people left even Rain and Patty we're about to leave the court... Rain suddenly trips and was about to falls when suddenly someone holds Rain hands... Rain gets shock and turns and see the one holding Rain hands was Payu!!!

Rain tries to push Payu when again he trips and this time Payu holds Rain's waist.
Rain gets irritated and says can u take your stupid hands out of my waist

Payu was so attracted by Rain.... As everyone are crazy over him but this little cute guy shows attitude towards Payu and also says him stupid!!!

Payu could not resist and pulls Rain closer to him and Rains eye widens😳😳😳
Patty who was standing there was shocked and sees what is wrong with Payu

Payu then whispers in Rain ear
'Your so cute' 😍

Rain did not know how to react and pushed Payu so hard that Payu fell on ground holding his butt 🤣

Rain holds Patty hands and runs from there non stop!!!

They stopped by the corridor in some building don't even know where... taking deep breaths

Then Patty ask Rain what just happened 🤔

Rain says that Payu guy must be crazy to act like that.

Payu on the other hand gets up from the floor and rubs his butt... he smiles like crazy thinking about how cute and adorable rain was. But he did not even know what was the cute guy name and what major was he studying.

That's all for 3 chapter hope you all like it
Comment down your thoughts and suggestions!!!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼

Precap chapter 4 Payu kiss Rain 🫢

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