It's raining 🌧️ ???

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It's was a lazy day and Rain was feeling so lazy to get up and get ready to uni...
On top of that Patty calls and says he will be out of town for 2 days..
Rain gets ready and for some reason rain was so lazy to even ride the car and decides to walk to uni as it was just 10min of walk.

In the Uni

Rain was sitting alone in cafeteria eating some sandwiches 🥪

Payu sees rain and sits in front of Rain and offers Rain juice..
Payu had noticed previous day Rain had asked strawberry 🍓 juice from Patty

Payu asks Rain do u like strawberries 🍓
Rain stares at him and answers don't bug me and I don't have necessity to answer you.. You pervert and crazy idiot!!!
As Rain was speaking he gets hiccups and Payu forces him to drink the juice he brought...
Rain had no option but to drink it !!

Payu watches Rain so lovingly and wants to hug him kiss him and make him his.. but it's a long way to go 🥹🥹🥹

Payu then wipes side of Rain lips softly and says your so cute when ur angry how can I not fall for u day by day !!!!

Rain pushes Payu hands and gets up from there and leave the place.

Later at the evening:

It suddenly starts raining and Rain gets very irritated why my day is so bad
Patty din come.. I din bring my car.. no umbrella.. On top of that it's rain so heavily😣😠🙄

Rain waits for sometime and thinks he might not get any taxi to reach his dorm anyhow it's 10 min walk let's just walk in the 🌧️ itself

When Rain was about to leave someone put's umbrella on top of his head
Rain turns to see who was it and it was Payu

Where are you going my sweet boy come I'll drop you till parking
Rain did not say anything and kept walking and Payu walks along with him holding umbrella ☔️

As soon as they reach parking Payu searches for Rain car and ask Rain where is his car

For that Rain replies did I tell u I brought my car 🚗
Anyhow thanks for the drop and I can walk by myself... Payu holds Rain hands and stops him.

Where is your dorm I will drop you..
Rain ignores him.. but Payu kept on walking behind Rain and Rain finally answers it's just 10 min walk I can go by myself...

Payu looks up the sky and says it's not raining heavily come I will drop you in my bike 🏍️
I don't want my sweet boy to get cold plzzz
Payu makes puppy eyes 🥺 and Rain had no option and agrees for the lift!!!

In bike it was just 5 min ride to Rain dorm but on the middle of the way suddenly rain starts poring heavily and both gets fully drenched.

They reach Rain dorm and Rain gets down from bike and sees Payu fully drenched
He kept some curtesy and asked Payu to come to his dorm and have a hot coffee and go!!!

Payu heart jumped in joy and ran behind Rain

Rain made him a hot coffee and gives Payu a towel to wipe his hairs...

Outside the rain was about to stop but still lightning ⚡️ and thunderstorms ⛈️ were there.

Rain mind was split into two
Should I tell him to stay here or tell him to go🤔
Rain thinks why the hell will I make him stay no no am I crazy to do that no way 🙅‍♂️

Soon Payu finished his coffee and says rain is about to stop so I will leave then.
Payu takes his jacket and reaches the door
Rain calls him and give Payu his mobile and tells put your number here
Payu was confused
Rain repeats again put your phone number here in my mobile I will give you miss call
Save my number and text me once you reach your home 🏠 Its still raining...

Payu heart was about jump out of his body he quickly grabs the phone and puts his number
Rain gives miss call..
Payu saves rain number as "My baby"
Rain sees that and asks who the hell is your baby ??? 😏😏😏
Payu replies it's my mobile I will save however I want
Rain then saves Payu number as "Idiot Payu"

Payu says Oh that a sweet nick name I like it !!!

Payu then reaches home and texts Rain saying "I reached home my darling!!! "

Rain "Who is your darling idiot"???
Good nite 😏😏😏

Payu " Good nite my darling 😘😘😘"

Rain " shut up "

Payu looks at the message and smiles like crazy 😄😄😄

Done for this chapter hope you all like this !!!

Next chapter will be interesting
Rain heart starts to feel something which he does not even know what the feeling it is !!!

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