dazed and confused

251 7 8

November 1st, 1987

A hand lazily slings over my bare waist, waking me up more than I already was. I groan, rubbing my forehead. I eye the hand on my waist.. it has painted nails, lots of arm cuffs and bracelets.

Then I realize who's hand it is. Slash. What the fuck happened last night?

I try to jog my memory of the possible events that occurred last night. I remember it was Steven's birthday party.. wait.. no. It was his Halloween party. I remember Tommy and Nikki's big entrance.. Izzy sliding a penny in my hand.

"For your thoughts."

I smile when I remember the little gesture before Slash mumbling something behind me pulls me out of my thoughts.

"..What?" I respond in a strained voice.

"..Mm.. Wh.. time.." He replies, still mumbling. I look over to the alarm on my bedside table. "Two."

He swiftly raises his head, leaning over my shoulder to see for himself. "No.. it's two.." He says in a confused tone.

"Uh.. yeah. That's what I said." I respond with the same tone. "No.. you said five."

I furrow my brows, looking up at his tired face. "No, Slash. You must still be drunk. I know what I said." I say while sitting upright. He mumbles and falls back onto the bed.

I immediately begin to feel sore all around. That's when I realize what the fuck happened last night. Slash and I had sex. "Baby?"

"Hm?" I reply simply. "You okay?" He asks with his face shoved in a pillow. "Yeah, just a little sore." I reply, eyeing the finger shaped, purple marks on my hip bone.

Slash's warm hand grazes the marks from behind when he slides his arms around my waist. I look down to see that he has an apologetic, almost hurt look on his face when he sees the marks.

I run my left hand through his hair as an 'It's okay.' Response. I ponder on what I'm going to do today, dreading the thought of cleaning the post-party house.

Oh. Nevermind.. the party wasn't even at our house.
I should probably go to the grocery store today, or clean my bedroom.. Or..

The thought I've been stalling on pops into my mind. I have to call my mom today, it's been long enough.

I get up, and shuffle around my dresser for some clean, comfy clothes. "Coffee?" I look at Slash while sliding a loose band tee over my head. "Nah, I'm good. Beer still hasn't worn off." He shrugs, following suit as I leave the bedroom.

I enter the living room and I'm met with Izzy reading a book on the couch with one foot resting on his other knee. "Mornin'." He mumbles into his coffee cup when he sees my silhouette. His facial expression slightly changes when he realizes it's me.

"Good morning." I reply in a tired voice.

It's silent for a minute and begins to grow uncomfortable but I shrug it off, dropping onto the couch next to him with my own coffee cup.

I silently pray for Slash to save my ass from this weirdness, and gladly my prayers get answered when he sits on the arm of the couch next to Izzy.

"What y' reading?" He speaks up in an overly interested voice. I'm instantly un-entertained in their conversation when Izzy replies with the book name.

Slash eventually loses interest as well, trailing off to take a shower.. leaving me once again questioning if Izzy's upset with me or something.

I sit through the silence for about three minutes then finally decide I've had enough. With an exaggerated huff, I stand up from the couch and brush past Izzy, bumping his knees with my own, causing his slim legs to sway to the side harshly.

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