Chapter II: A Brother's Woes

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      As Junichiro looked around the laboratory, he saw that it took a lot of damage. The building was grounded at the moment for repairs. Za'Fia had caught them off guard by radiating with enough heat to affect even them. Then, she blasted a large hole in the wall from which she escaped.

      Junichiro had wanted to pursue her, but his father insisted he stays put and protect the assets within the lab.

     He was no fool, however. It was plain as day that his father was enjoying this unexpected turn of events. After millennia of everything going his way, his father was overjoyed to experience resistance for once.

     Junichiro sighed in frustration. Everything his father found amusing, he saw as unacceptable. Revolting, disloyalty, defiance – he wanted nothing more than to drive his blade through the guilty and rid the world of those transgressions.

      If this world was to be his father's domain, should the inferior – Primordials included – not follow their God's will as though it were law?

      It's only natural, after all.

      Things like this shouldn't happen, Junichiro thought as he reviewed the events that led to the current outcome. Father most likely doesn't mind, but their rebellious nature will not stand. I'll enforce compliance amongst the Primordials even if it means ruining Father's fun.

      He wasn't concerned about his father somehow being defeated. After all, at full strength, his father was more powerful than he, his siblings, Verin, and the Primordials were combined.

      This was about order. Respect. Strength.

      With his father's hatred of boredom, he's developed a lenient disposition towards betrayal and being challenged. So long as it doesn't affect his bigger agenda, he won't take it seriously and will instead view it as a game.

      That's why Junichiro has dedicated himself to being the one to inform everyone of their place. And remove those who forget it.

      He looked over at the hole Za'Fia had created.

      Standing there at the hole's edge was Trevor. His expression appeared worrisome.

      Junichiro silently walked over and stood next to him.

      Looking at Trevor's face, it was clear to Junichiro what was going on in Trevor's head.

      "Thinking about Tymon?" he said.

      Trevor sighed, seemingly disappointed.

      "I'm not usually as uptight as you, but don't you think Tymon's gonna be a problem? I mean, yeah, I get we weren't using our full strength, but it still took effort from both of us to keep him from transforming. And had it been Michael instead, we would've had to get serious just to subdue him," Trevor stated.

      "That's why Father warned us not to face either of them alone," Junichiro replied as he looked toward the afternoon horizon. "Not only are they immortal, but they're also extremely powerful."

      "And our cintracies don't work on Tymon? What's up with that?" Trevor exclaimed, expressing his frustration. He was shooting tiny blasts of energy at the ants marching by.

      "Indeed, that wasn't something we expected. It was truly an unwelcome surprise," Junichiro concurred.

      "And Za'Fia...her strength was ridiculous," Trevor continued. "I get why my cintracy doesn't affect her, but I can't believe she completely overpowered me....I've now gone up against each Supreme Primordial – beings we're supposed to be comparable to – and each has proven to be difficult to handle alone....So I guess that means I need to get innovative."

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