Chapter XIX: Blood Hunt (Pt.2)

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                                                    Somewhere in Whites City, New Mexico...

      Kaila and Claeg were hunting again, doing their usual routine. They'd find their prey, stalk them, then lure them somewhere secluded before feeding.

      Tonight, their current prey was a couple they'd been following.

      Kaila watched, hungry, from the rooftops as the couple was unknowingly steered toward a series of dark streets.

      Claeg was trailing them from a distance, making a rhythmic clicking sound with his mouth meant to disconcert them as he closed in on them and caused their panic levels to rise steadily.

      This subconsciously prevented them from turning around.

      Then if they started heading in an unwanted direction, Kaila would drop down and do the same, steering them away.

      What made the clicking so amazing to Kaila was how the humans had no idea they were hearing it. From the humans' perspectives, it was their "gut" telling them not to go in a certain direction.

      Kaila and Claeg had picked up this hypnotic tune long ago to make hunting less noticeable to the masses.

      If they played together, they could walk past a group of people, and it'd be like no one saw them.

      Together, Kaila and Claeg guided the couple into a secluded alleyway where they were boxed in.

      Once the twins ceased playing the tune, the couple came to their senses and looked around, wondering why'd they go there.

      Unfortunately, when they turned around to leave the alley, Kaila and Claeg appeared from around the corner, blocking their exit.

      Now alert, the man placed the woman behind him as she quaked in fear.

      "What do you want," the man asked, panicking as he tried to stay strong. "You want our wallets? Here, just let us go."

      He tossed his and the woman's spatial bags at Kaila and Claeg's feet.

      Kaila picked up the guy's spatial bag and walked toward him.

      "Your money isn't what I'm after," she said, her voice sweet and trusting, as she attached the guy's bag back to his hip.

      She began to seductively circle the guy, edging the woman away from him as she caressed his neck and shoulders.

      "I want you," she whispered lightly in his ear, causing his body to stiffen.

      Claeg used his large fingers to turn the woman's trembling chin up toward him softly.

       "And I want you," he said, wiping away her tears.

       The woman made the mistake of peering into Claeg's eyes, suddenly noticing how they weren't normal and sensing the blood lust behind them.

      Her body tensed from his intimidation as she slowly raised her hands to grab his large forearm, clutching it with all her strength, but that only showed her how pointless it was to resist.

      "Please don't kill me," she pleaded hoarsely as her shaky hands traced up Claeg's arm.

       Claeg smirked at the implication and glanced at the guy. Unlike the woman, he seemed less on edge as Kaila continued her ruse.

      The guy smiled at the woman, thinking he understood what was happening.

      "It's gonna be okay, babe. We've done this before," he told her.

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