Chapter 3

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Once Tee was leaving them, Tae was trying to approach Kimmon, yet Kimmon just walked ahead leaving Tae behind, forcing Tae to run to him, holding his arm. "Kim, wait..."

Instead, Kimmon had pushed his hand away harshly while glaring at him. "Why running after me? Thought you want to run away?" Kimmon was hissing to Tae, holding all his angry feelings he had inside.

"Kim....I'm sorry, okay? Let's talk, please?"

Kimmon just walked and Tae was following him, getting into the basement parking lot for visitors and together getting into Kimmon's car. All they did in a quiet, without any words from each of them. Kimmon keeps on driving in silence while Tae keeps glancing at him at times. Tae was still thinking on the best way to talk to Kimmon. The guy must be so angry at him for the things that he did, both to him and with Tee.

Arriving at the apartment their parents had provided for them before leaving them to tour around the world, Kimmon had walked straight to his room before Tae had pulled him once again on his right arm. Though he didn't pushed him this time, but Kimmon refused to look at Tae, while looking down.

Tae was still thinking the right words to say until he saw the droplets of tears on the floor, making him concerned and anxious, pulling Kimmon into his hugs right away.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." It's all he could say, no matter how much he thought about it.

Kimmon who was initially leaning his head on Tae's shoulder when he pulls him in his hugs, pushed Tae making space between them.

"Sorry? After you slept with me, and disappear the very next day, leaving me all alone with all the agony and confusing. All night you keeps telling me how you loves me, and vanished the next, only to sleep with someone else, just to get rid of me. How do you think that makes me feel? Huh?!"

Tae was trying to reach Kimmon's hands but Kimmon just walk back a step, before shouting and punch the wall, making his hand bleed, shocking Tae. Without waiting for Tae to recover from his shocked, Kimmon getting into his room, blasted the door hard and loud, before locking it.

Tae was fast trying to go after Kimmon but he was too late when Kimmon already locking his door. "Kim, I'm sorry. I was confused, and scared. I'm such a coward, that I couldn't face you after doing that to you. I'm afraid of what will my father and your mother will say if they knew about us. I'm sorry, please. Let me treat your hand, you were bleeding. I'm sorry, Kim, please."

No matter how hard and nonstop Tae was begging him, Kimmon never getting out from his room, wallowing in his sorrow, of feeling betrayed and hurt.


"He had broken few ribs, his hand and feet, and he hurt his head badly, but we were able to stabilize his condition. These 48 hours is really crucial, or else he will fall in deep coma. You both have to be strong for him." The senior doctor, Doctor Thila, had patted on Godt and Tee's shoulder knowing their relationship with Copter before leaving them.

Godt and Bas had headed to the VIP ward right away, while Tee was rooting at the place he was standing when he came near the doctor to hear about Copter.

His Copter was hurt so badly, and he was to blame. How could things turn this way? What have he done?

Tee walked in a daze when every nurse and doctor was looking at him in a sympathize gaze, knowing about Copter's condition. Some of them even relayed the sorry message, which he didn't bother replied or even hearing them properly.

Arriving in front of the VIP ward room when Copter was, Tee was breaking down fully crouching on the floor, leaning on the wall, while he could see Copter's body bandaged in almost the whole body. He couldn't come near as Godt and Bas wouldn't let him, but he knew and understand. It was all because of him Copter had to lie down on the bed, unconscious, and hurt badly, barely breathing.

He keeps pray in his heart so that Copter could open his eyes, and be okay, chanting like a mantra, so that he could have a second chance to redeem himself and to ask for Copter's forgiveness. Even if he had to wait outside the room like this, it doesn't matter. As long as he could see Copter.

When Godt had to leave, leaving Bas alone, Tee was trying to get into the room. When he came near, Bas had standing out leaving him alone, not bother saying anything or even look at him. It was understandable. Bas and Copter was close like a brother, and he must have hate Tee so much for hurting Copter's feeling and making Copter this way.

Tee was coming closer to Copter who was lying unconscious, with tubes connected just to help him breathing, Tee was slowly taking Copter's cold hand in his hold. He was crying again, breaking down kneeling to the floor beside the bed, with no words he could utter but to cry out loudly, regretting everything he had done.

"I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry. Please wake up na, please...." That's the only words he could utter hoping Copter could hear it and came back. Tee was looking fondly at Copter's pale face, and suddenly he missed his Copter's dimple smile. He had been a jerk these few weeks when his guilty feelings of sleeping with the other guy ate him up, resulting him being a jerk to his Copter. He couldn't answer Copter properly when the guy asked him about his where about when he stays outside, thus he gets angry, trying to cover his fault. He knew he had hurt Copter since then but he couldn't stop himself, he keeps on coming back to the guy, nor he could be honest to Copter, knowing that he couldn't lie right on his face, but all he did was nothing but lies.

"You better go out before P'Godt came back." Bas's voice had taking him out from his trance. He was standing up, wiping his tears on his face and was trying to talk to Bas.

"I don't want to see you, nor talk to you right now, so don't bother." Sensing that Tee was trying to talk to him, Bas was saying while keeps on looking at Copter on the bed, not even giving Tee a glance. Tee was turning around defeated, and walking out from the ward.


It's been 48 hours and Tee never leave Copter's side even he just could stay outside the ward room, but Copter's condition didn't change. There's no improvement, and Doctor Thila had declare that Copter had fall into coma, and could not decide when he will wakes up, making Bas a crying mess which Godt had to calm him down while he himself shed the tears he was trying to hold on till now, and Tee was just standing there still trying to accept the harsh reality. Tee was leaning on the wall, punching his own chest trying to fight off his frustration, disappointment and guilty in himself, together with the tears for the life of his love. 'What has he done?'

End of Chapter 3

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